Okay, the photo.

Yeah, he’s innocent. What a bunch of idiots. Anyone here defending him is a joke. How any of you can defend this man is beyond comprehension. I don’t care if it is trial by media; guilty is guilty.



If people are defending him - they obviously have the same mental problem as the molester Hughes.



Can someone post this photo?



He looks so evil in the picture


Oh goodness. That is disgusting.

I just watched the interview with Simone Buchanan on ACA and the small shred of doubt I had is now gone. To have two former cast members come out and say 'she told us' he's guilty. I still don't like how it was done (though I found Sarah's answer a good one and understand it slightly more now) but yeah how could there be any doubts it's true?

I feel so sorry for Simone, Ben and Sarah. Poor Sarah seemed to keep asking for help, and getting nothing in return. And Ben and Simone who both tried to do something, yet didn't do enough and you can tell they both live with that.



That photo is inconclusive and would not be admissible as evidence in a court of law in this country.

"Scepticism is the highest of duties, and blind faith the one unpardonable sin.” Thomas Huxley


Therein lies the problem. The law in this country is busy protecting the guilty.


To help your case I have seen photos of Sara sitting on Julie McGregor's lap and touching her and Ben Oxenbold touching Arthur MacArthur. lock em all up I say. Guilty until proven innocent I say.

