MovieChat Forums > Hey Dad..! (1987) Discussion > Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

That's the way it looks to me. Ch. 9 are giving themelves the wrap of being the first to name him. This will take on Tiger Wood like proportions now where every woman who's ever laid eyes on this bloke will claim some improper act took place. All for a good payday of course. I'm not saying he's innocent but let him put his case forward before we judge and sentence the man.


The victims and witnesses were all naming the same name, before it became public knowledge... so I don't know where you got that besides Tiger did sleep with a lot of people.

I hope that they're out there somewhere and that they're okay.


So sentence Hughes without a hearing. Thats what youre saying????


No, but we are about to watch this guy pull every legal trick to get out of being prosecuted... and imagine how many parents never knew what he was capable of and let their kids near him... all because it was never brought to light.

ACA's motives might be more to do with ratings- but now there's no chance that creep can go on TV- and use the image he used to to say- this is all a lie- when it is so clearly not. These are not people after money ( apart from ACA) - and when so many pedophiles get away with what they do...
this reaction is not as strong as it could be...

(Love to stay and argue more but I have work)

I hope that they're out there somewhere and that they're okay.


...Guilty Until Proven Insane !!!!!


or guilty until some QC gets him off on a technicality


I love how she said he fondled her 'breasts'...but she was 9....I have never seen ANY 9 yr old girls with breasts..have u?


men have breasts too


Why has no-one made a formal complaint? If this guy is a paedophile then dont you think kids have a right to be protected from him? The police will now try and act only because of media pressure. If this guy is proven to be a paedophile in a court of law then give him 30 years non parole which will be effectively a life sentence. Just give him a fair trial.


give them a chance beatlenut it is a very tricky case and the wheels of justice turn very slowly esp. when he lives in another country and is very wealthy. I reckon it will drag on for years


It may take decades seeing that none of them are coming forward to the cops. Sarah Monahan the chief whistle blower hasnt made any indication that she;s interested whatsoever. She did to a magazine for a payday though..



i hope it isn't true. if it is, i hope sarah gets justice but it's for the court to decide, not a current affair.

also if it is true, robert hughes' defence team will have a good case for arguing that he can't get a fair trial because of the extent of pre-trial publicity.

also, as far as im aware, australia doesn't have an extradition treaty with singapore either. that might cause a bit of a headache too.



"Talk about guilty until proven innocent. You talk about Robert Hughes should be getting a fair trial before we judge him but you are so eager to judge Sarah at the drop of a hat for a payday."

Yeah thats about it. If her story is true, and I dont have any reason to doubt her as I wasnt there when all this allegedly happened, I admire her for having the balls to stand up and bring about justice. I think she should have gone to the cops first before spilling her guts to the media for cash.


She actually explained why- just going to the police it would have turned into 'he said, she said' that bent photo never would have shown up- the rest of the cast might not have had the chance... and she started this in the begning more as a warning for kids in the industry.

It must suck to feel so powerless, that you didn't even thin anyone would care this happened to you.

I hope that they're out there somewhere and that they're okay.


The scary part is could anyone really sit on the jury and be inbiased now? It's pretty impossible as the guy's name is mud now. If I were called up I would excuse myself as I actually beleive he's guilty and that disturbs the *beep* out of me when I havent heard his side of the story. You pretty much have him wanting to be sentenced and bypass any trial am I correct? Would you excuse yourself?


I could be unbiased... but that's just me as a person, even when I'm talking with a creep, and know it, I still see the good in them, so I could do the whole evidence and neutral opinion and not allow personal feelings to sway. ( I would not eligble anyway because I have actually suffered physical abuse)

And it's still better than no one knowing and a jury going- Robert Hughes, he's that wonderful wholesome actor from HeyDad! I can't believe he would ever do anything untowards... which is why this was such a shock to the public... the jury would have been biased the other way...

I hope that they're out there somewhere and that they're okay.


Then if they hate the show then he's not the wonderful actor but the clutz father and more reason to hate him. That argument can work both for and against. Honestly, even that wouldnt save the man now. With all the publicity and that photo condemning him he's as good as sunk. IF it's proven to be true I think Gary Reilly should be charged as an accesory to the fact. Whether there are any legal grounds for that I dont know. There probably isnt.


I think there is a statute of limitation on charging someone with that, unlike murder, abduction, and child molestation and abuse.

I hope that they're out there somewhere and that they're okay.


im not sure if you can have someone be an accessory by omission in NSW.
it does seem like gross negligence though.. sarah should have been owed a duty of care by the producer, especially given she was a child and he allegedly knew what was happening. unfortunately, that's not going to allow for jail time.



That's why I wasn't comfortable with the people on this board who where were naming and shaming him before his name was even released.
I’m guilty as charged, but it’s this need for impartiality that leads to leniency and makes the entire process excruciatingly slow. Not to mention the fact that this maggot will exhaust every single legal loophole before giving in. I don’t blame victims for their lack of interest when it comes to presenting their case in court.


Ah well Beatlenut Sarah is going to the police tomorrow morning-hope you are happy
