I remember an episode about a strange guy who came to the hospital after an accident (not sure what sort of accident, I was only about 10 at the time). His organs were around the wrong way and nobody had ever seen him around town before, his appearance was a real mystery to everyone. Then someone took a photo of him with the matron and when the photo got developed, she was in it but he wasn't!! I can't remember what happened after that, does anyone else remember this episode??
I remember the organs opposite to normal but I don't remember the photo. I do remember though that the episode was very mysterious and the characters feared this man. I'd love to see this episode again.
I hope he's sober. We've still got jojoba left over from October -- Kath & Kim
I loved ACP when I was a kid. Im in my 30s now and I would love to watch the entire series again. I see seasons 1 and 2 are available to buy from Ezy DVD. I can still remember the very early episode. I can't remember when Molly died but I do recall the one when she lost a baby. I also loved the later seasons with Cathy, Mathew, Lucy and all the others.
Ohhhh dear gods... You've stirred up a loooooong-buried memory for me!!
ACP repeats are currently playing after midnight on Ch7 here in Melbourne, and I've loved watching all these episodes again. (Current storylines are just past the nasty car accident in which Donna the nurse died unexpectedly whilst trying to organise a 'Mozart's Birthday' party for Ben.)
I *remember* that storyline!! Like you, I saw it first when I was about 10, and it's floated around the back of my mind for the last 19 years... like you I can remember it happening well, but would love to know what actually happened, as I was quite young and not-paying-enough-attention the first time. I've always wondered about it!!
I can't wait until they play that story again (I hope I'm not past it already!).. when they do, I'll be sure to let you know :)
I remember some of this storyline. It was one of a couple of mysterious storylines they did which I remember loving, the other being about a bunyip. This one was about a possible UFO sighting, and everyone in town thought this man was an alien. He did act strange and kept muttering to himself about "the ships coming." I also remember him sitting in the hospital doing a strange movement with his fingers, kind of moving each one individually. Something odd the actor was able to do, which I've never been able to imitate. When Dr... I think Terence? examined him he couldn't find a heartbeat, then checked on the other side, where it was, on his right. I remember him gasping and stepping back, saying, "Good Lord!"
There was also a burnt circle that appeared in a nearby field, crop circle, probably the night the man arrived in town. Another burnt circle followed days later.
Now the reveal from what I remember, so... spoilers?
The first burnt circle was some kind of machinery that exploded in the field. Cookie and Bob, I think, were trying to make money off the thing somehow, maybe as the town became a tourist attraction, so later burnt a second circle to continue the story/mystery/interest.
The strange guy was from out of town, and had since lost his job working in a lighthouse (I think.) He did seem to be in a bit of shock, but that's why he was muttering about "the ships." He seemed perfectly normal in conversation at the end after this came out.
What I don't remember is why his organs were reversed or this even being explained. I've since heard this may be a real and rare condition. Maybe it was explained, but over my head back then.
If anyone remembers more details about this story, or the bunyip one, I'd love to hear.
Thanks for that explanation, it was years and years ago that I watched that episode (or episodes because if I can remember correctly, they were always in 2 parts on ACP). I can vaguely remember the crop circles now that you mentioned that part of the episode and of course Bob and Cookie would want to try to make money from them!!
I can also remember the photo being explained too but can't recall the entire explanation. I think it had something to do with the camera's exposure maybe?? Plus there is a rare condition when a person has their organs around the wrong way - like the heart and liver being on the opposite side to normal. It's called Situs Inversus. I guess back in the early 1980s, when that episode was on, this condition was virtually unheard of, especially in Australia - and even more unusual in a small country town. Dr Terrence had probably only read about the condition and never come across anyone with it - and I bet he never saw anyone else with that condition either. Maybe the condition wasn't explained because there wasn't much research done into it back then. Or like you said, if it was explained, it more than likely went over my head too. I would love to watch this episode again one day!