'Geddim Cheps'

That line always cracks me up when Hawlings gets scrobbled. !!


Ha-Ha, what!

Loving my annual revisit of BOD.

Just upgraded to the DVD version and really enjoyed seeing Devin as a grown-up in his interview with Renny Rye, the original director. He looks every inch the techie :-) Be great if he could be involved in some way with the Beeb remake next year...

Off to do some nobbling and scrobbling!


Do you think Renny Rye would be up for directing the remake too? Or would it just be the same with different effects?

Definitely need to get Geoffrey Larder back for Foxy Faced Charles. Ha ha, what?


Yes, RIchie

I was wondering that as well...

Is it better to get a completely new person with a fresh interpretation? Or see what someone who is already passionate about the subject and knows it inside out could do with all the recent CGI at his fingertips

I enjoyed the Renny Rye production enormously. I wonder how difficult it would be for him to give a completely fresh interpretation, given all of his prior knowledge and experience. Though with a new cast and crew, especially DoP, I expect the variables would be altered enough to make it a clean slate.

Be great to see Devin as the Production Carpenter! Making the Box perhaps!!

Off topic and another remake, I see that the Prisoner is being remade with a US actor in No 6's role and the same No2 throughout - Ian McKellan and it's set in AFRICA!!


"Remakes Aint Wot They Outta Be" sometimes. Maybe best leave well alone in this case, Ha Ha what?


Hmm...I can't see that particular remake being better than the original. Will probably watch it though!
