Book vs. Series?

To anyone who has read the book and seen the
series, what are your thoughts? Which do you

Normally, to me, books beat movie & television
adaptations. This is a common assumption. But
in the case of this particular book/series, I
may actually vote for the series. The changes
made are mostly understandable, and the writing
style of the book tends to jump around a bit.
I would say it lacks focus.
While dated (especially FX), the series contains
the charm of the book while cutting away it's
Anybody agree? Anybody disagree? Any rabid fans of
the book want to scrobble me and throw me in the


I have to say I'm with you on this one! I love to read, generally get that books are richer than films usually can be, but not this time, lol. I got the book after falling in love with the film (never did see it as a series). I figured I'd love the book, and Masefield is an author of some standing after all. I NEVER FINISHED IT!!! I just couldn't plow through--I, who love a lot of Victorian & early 20th century lit, was stultified by the language. I will have to give it another go next time I find my copy, but I watch the film even when it isn't Christmas, lol.

The process of getting there is the quality of being there
