Help get this remade

..this blog mentions that it would be good to see BOD remade! ghts.html

"Why do IMDB message boards stay on topic for 2 posts, then end up being playground squabbles?"


I love the theme music of this. Must get the original on DVD


The then groundbreaking special effects are a little dated now it has to be said.

I'd give it the movie treatment but in the same style as Harry Potter - a very English adaptation of a very, very English book.


I agree, this is one of my greatest Christmas childhood memories.
The theme music really finishes it off nicely. Love it!



but I'd hope they kept true to the book and this adaptation and kept the music and kept the actors and the setting British and in the right era

I just wrote something similar in another thread here.
They're making it into a film with Mike Newell and I really hope they don't chuff it up, it would break my heart!


BBC is remaking this for 2010.

I think they might replace the word "scrobbled" with "kidnapped" though.


That's cool Paul Smith 2006. Where did you hear about that?


Is that true? If so, I'd make it a one-off special. I wouldn't replace "scrobble" either - let's get that word back in the nation's vocabulary.

Still, "kidnapped" is better than "abducted".


It's being remade into a movie and as a tv series as reported here by Empire magazine:


Nice one....i did it! LOL

"Why do IMDB message boards stay on topic for 2 posts, then end up being playground squabbles?"


I really hope we get it in the US!

It's impossible to find the full version of the original here :(

I loved it so much when I was little and really want to see it again.
