MovieChat Forums > Airwolf (1984) Discussion > Since Hollywood is so hell bent on ...

Since Hollywood is so hell bent on reliving the 80's

with all of our favorite TV shows becoming movies or being remade.

How long do you think it will be before they sink their claws into this TV gem.


I would love for Donalb B to bring this back to TV forget about the movies. Hell Tom Selick is still alive and kin=cking why not bring back Magnum PI. I mean Knight Rider is making a comeback this fall. To bad KR and Airwolf were done by 2 different production companies. Can you imafine an episode or 2 with KITT and the Lady?


Why the hell hasn't Hollywood made a major motion picture of this TV series? Of course, Hollywood has screwed up all other old 70's and 80's TV shows that were made into movies. I'm very disappointed!


I'm astonished they haven't already.

BTW, there is nothing wrong with reliving the eighties. If there wasn't this "eighties mania" going on , there wouldn't be all these cool television shows being made available on DVD and on sites such as Hulu. Then I wouldn't be able to catch up on all the great stuff I passed on when I originally lived through the eighties. It's like being given a chance to expand my experience of the eighties. I just love it!

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You're so right! Nothing wrong with reliving the eighties. I was born in '80, so I missed a good portion of the 80s shows, since I was too young to understand or appreciate them. Viva la '80s!


"Viva la 80's"

I like that! Yeah, presently I'm working my way through the second season of "Hunter" after finishing the first. I never caught an episode when it was originally released and now I have discovered this. It's not necessarily a "nostalgia" thing with me, I genuinely find the television shows released during the eighties better made than the ones being aired presently.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


I for one would love to see a new Airwolf movie, but I have to say I'd still want Jan-Michael and Ernest playing their characters. It would be nice to get this done soon since all the original cast members are still alive. I know Jan-Michael is a little worse for wear, but to me Airwolf isn't Airwolf without him and Ernest. Maybe I am just old fashioned or sentimental, but I don't want anybody messing with my Airwolf. I agree, that I think some of the best shows were from the 80's, but maybe I just remember them more because that's when I was growing up. My favorites were Airwolf (of course), Magnum PI, Matt Houston, and Simon & Simon. Boy, they sure had a lot of private investigator shows back then.


Yes, an "Airwolf" movie would be fun. Perhaps the actors could just play cameos.It's likely to be in development, because it seems that there is a mini renaissance of movie adaptations of eighties shows coming as evidenced by the upcoming "The A-Team" movie this summer.

BTW, please use a spoiler alert for your posts. I have only seen episodes from the first two seasons and was not aware of the fate of some of the characters.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


Thanks for bringing my attention to the spoiler. I guess I had a brain fart, cause I hate when people do that to me. I edited the spoiler out.


No, thank you!

Truly, you show the right spirit members of the IMDb community should ideally have!

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


Thanks, just trying to throw a little love and consideration around.


Yeah, now bring back the 80's music and flush that crap thats out today, if you want to call it music, right down the toilet.


JMV is most probably quite unwell / unfit to play the same character from the 1980s and EB is, well, a little old to be sitting in the back of a high-speed, agile attack helicopter using the computer systems, it'd just be laughable. His vision wouldn't be so good and his hands not so great on the controls.

So, like Ghost Busters, it'll have to be a "handover" story, where they pass the reigns to a new generation to start a new Airwolf franchise of films. Every blockbuster film now is a business with a view to sequels and mechandising, otherwise studios don't won't poor hundreds of millions of dollars into it.

It'll no doubt be heavily CGI-based.

We need to have a reason for the chopper's existence - anti-terrorism detection and prevention.

The FIRM could easily still exist. A new kind of nasty Archangel would run it, who could even be corrupt and cause a few issues for our heroes. He is discovered and taken out by a rival in the firm and replaces him for the second film.

If they can blend electronic music with orchestrial sounds like they did with Transformers, then that would work better than a rock soundtrack (like the new Knight Rider, that was awful). We probably won't have a full electronic score as those things don't work so well anymore unless it's full-on sci-fi.

As for the chopper, a new design would surely be required, see the grey chopper on this page:

These sort of machines are moving to unmanned status these days, so that could be worked into the plot somehow. But we don't want another Stealth. It needs to be smart, have a political and dramatic twist and cleverly see out our favorite characters from the original series.

Just a few thoughtss...


If they go on with it, I don't see why they couldn't just remake the pilot episode, just extend it, tweak it and add modern-day movie technology (CGI isn't bad if you don't overdose on it). Update it to the war on terror and it makes even more sense (the CIA wanted a super-fast helicopter that could deploy quickly in bad terrain like the mountains of Afghanistan). Update the bad guys from Libya to North Korea or someone. Update St. John from a Vietnam MIA to an Iraq MIA... and otherwise keep the same basic plot. The pilot worked fine.

I love it when a plan comes together.


Get me about 30 million dollars and I'll deliver a film that'll make you PROUD!!!!!

The Spacehunter Forum:


There seems to be a fair amount of interest in Airwolf as a movie...

I for one would love to see it, along with everyone else who's posted.



I'd like to see Airwolf transformed to the big screen as well. However, since we're in 2011, there may be some changes to the concept if it is to work since the 1980s.

First off, hate to break it to all 80s fans, but unfortunately a male bad-ass hero doesn't really make the cut anymore today. So we need to start thinking 'sequel', not 'reboot', if we want to pull some twists.

My idea of the lead would be a female character, related to Stringfellow, who is in the aviation business and has a sub-plot to find her lost father, who, during the course of the film, turns out to be String. (This could be done through archive footage of the series.) Strong female leads work, for both parts of the audience, but a director needs to be careful not to turn it into a man-with-boobs type of personality.

The question is how we're going to fit the helicopter into all this. In 1984, a totally computerized helicopter which could do Mach 1+ and has all the tech to sneak away from the Russians was, obviously, state of the art. Still, Airwolf was a machine with a lot of elegance and one hell of a bite if you pissed her off (which would reflect the before-mentioned female lead!), and still could pass as a regular business helicopter when the occasion arised.

Today, we would have to think of some new gadgets to stick on Airwolf if we still want to make it state of the art. For example, a flight deck cluttered with buttons and knobs all across the frame worked in a 1984/1985 setting, but the look of 'futuristic' in 2011 would probably be more along the lines of minmalist and luxury, still have all the tech on board if the pilot wanted to use it.

The antagonist would probably be something more along the lines of a large international terrorist organisation, or even a big-shot corporation who developed Airwolf in the first place. Obviously, the Russians are not going to work anymore.


Why the heck was Smurfs revisited in movie form before Airwolf? Seems like a no-brainer to me to remake the action packed, thrill rides first. Smurfs, although cool little blue thing, was kind of lame!

What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?


I don't think they will remake/reboot this show.

Airwolf was kind of on the fringe of mainstream tv shows (despite being mainstream). It was the thinking man's TV programme, the viewer with taste. The morons had Knightrider and lame stuff like that, the rest had Airwolf.

Pizza? Thin or thick? Chicago.


I watched the series as a pre-teen, and I am rewatching it now on and falling in love with it all over again.
I have been doing some research and have come across alot of Airwolf fans that would like to see a Airwolf movie done. Not a remaster of the pilot of the 1984 series, but a 2012 remake of the movie with future technology.
In my honest opinion, I don't really think they need to do much to the helicopter, try to keep the "lady" near to who she was and what she did in the series.
Jan-Micheal, Ernest, and Jean all fit like a glove in the series, as for today. I am sure there are a handful of people that can pull it off just as well. Although, I still think that Jan was hot as H...


Could make an awesome movie today. Wish i was a hollywood producer, heh. Id remake all these shows into awesome movies.
