MovieChat Forums > Airwolf (1984) Discussion > HERE is how you remake it

HERE is how you remake it

First off since an armored well armed helicopter is no longer unusual you'd HAVE to set it during the 80's when the original took place (Plus that allows for more interesting backstory elements such as Hawke & Syn Gyn's Vietnam combat to be included). Secondly you'd have to cast it in such a way as that you'd pull in people who don't already love the show because to make a feature successful you're going to need more than a cult following. I'd suggest WWE's John Cena as Stringfellow Hawke & John Travolta as Archangel. (Feel free to leave any suggestions of your own. I never could figure the perfect replacement for Ernest Borgnine as Dominic Santini so maybe you can.) For the incomparable main villain & creator of Airwolf itself; Dr. Charles Henry Moffet I'd suggest Sir Anthony Hopkins OR if you wanted to go younger then Ricky Gervais who'd get a chance to show that he can do more than comedy. Finally the story. As someone else noted on the board a remake of the pilot would be good but to make it GREAT I think that you need to update the greatness of the pilot with one of the best episodes of the show & for the first feature film I'd suggest that that episode be "And they are us" which had String meeting up with an old friend of his & his brother from their Vietnam days, Colonel Martin James Vidore (I'd suggest Kurt Russell for him.) who was in the present day of the episode serving as a mercenary leader of a small helicopter attack force in Africa for a dictator on the rise. So for the Airwolf movie you just make Vidore & his mercenary troop protectors of Moffet wherever he is after he steals Airwolf for the bad guys (You could make it Libya if you wanted to stick with the original OR Iran if you wanted to update it a little in that way too.) & so Hawke has to (As in the pilot) retrieve Airwolf from Moffet OR if you want to combine yet another great episode with it; "Airwolf 2" then Hawke can be sent in with a SECOND Airwolf with the intention of either retrieving (In which case Dominic could pilot one of them back assuming that all goes well even though we KNOW that it won't) the original chopper or Hawke could have instructions to destroy Moffet & the original Airwolf with extreme prejudice in order to keep both out of enemy hands should attempts to retrieve it fail. The Airwolf 2 scenario would allow for a more evenly matched revenge to take place in the finale when Airwolf faces Airwolf in a battle of good versus evil. These two or three (Depending on which scenario is preferred) classic Airwolf stories could be combined quite easily & you could even leave it more open ended than the show did if you wanted to leave the door open for Moffet or Vidore to return in later sequels. Personally as a longtime fan of the show I'd LOVE to see a film like this combining the best elements & stories of the original played out on the big screen with a big budget if for no other reason than to spotlight a great show that not many people remember & to give it new life as well.

"Be nice until it's time to NOT be nice."
