MovieChat Forums > Airwolf (1984) Discussion > How did extreme cold purge Moffett from ...

How did extreme cold purge Moffett from Airwolf's computers?

As it occurred in the Moffet's Ghost episode. Also, what was Marella's answer to the quote Moffett used about "The wolf has returned from the north and your town is safe no longer"? She started to answer, but Archangel cut her off. How did it pertain to the Airwolf computer malfunctions?

Thread_Killer_of_IMDb is out there. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until your post is dead.


well i cant speak to marella's answer. but the cold well airwolfs computer is simply that a computer and there are a number of ways to wipe a memory of a computer you can wipe it using magnets but that could do more damage then anything and with the extreme cold its like dumping a computer in a vat of liquid nitrogen good luck trying to get anything electronic to work after that

rational thought can be alot like denial


Seems to me it was a mistake of Moffett to record the message.

Assuming Airwolf were in the control of the Agency they could simply disarm and unfuel it and it would be useless to the ghost program.


All I know is that was my favorite scene in Airwolf history. I mean, seeing them 80,000 feet in the air(dodging government jets), and then the buildup to the fall was amazing. As a kid, I was so mesmerized by String's personality, and something about him and the helmet visor made him a total badass, an icon. So when they started the fall, it was so cool to see how everyone else struggled to maintain airwolf, but String(despite the freezing) temperatures saved Airwolf at the end.

It was the best finale, because almost every other finale was very formula-oriented with String just hitting one missile and BOOM that was it.


You sound like how I would have sounded when I was 8 years old and loving it also! :) It's a pretty good scene, although a bit silly, but the frosting effect is well done.


As a kid I went nuts over that sequence and i remember it clearly to this day.


It's definitely one of the more iconic moments from the series, and something different from the standard dogfight finale. I'm not sure it exactly makes sense, but it's a show about a helicopter that can go MACH 1—With Ernest Borgnine on board no less—So I'm willing to suspend disbelief.

He went to Bespin Luke Skywalker, but he left Hand Solo
