MovieChat Forums > Young Warriors (1983) Discussion > Wow! ... a rare little gem eh?

Wow! ... a rare little gem eh?

Looks like nobody knows about, or cares about this film?
I rather enjoyed it. Nice to see a movie where teenagers have brain and want to try and do the right thing ... even if it means stepping outside of the law.

Classic 80's film! ... fun to watch late at night.


remember just because the lovely anne lockhart ass appears


That is NOT Anne Lockhart's ass. She went on record saying she refused to work nude, so she has several body doubles in the film.


i had it on vhs a long time ago, gotten lost over the years with some of my other classic "exploitation" flicks 8(

If Linda Blair had been in this as well as Linnea it would be on DVD now...
I am the ray of darkness in your otherwise sunny day...




A brain? Do the right thing? This was one of the most hilariously idiotic movies I've ever seen. Terrible from beginning to end.
