my fav part

I love the part where the guy kicks the little kid!


"I'll give you a farthing for a lump of *beep*
[throw coin down cellar, BOOT]
"A good old one always beats a rotten little one!"


Yes excellent scene, but my favorite scene has to be "...Nail that man's foot to the deck!!"


The stuttering parrot! "He's g-g-g-g-........"

"Woof. In tones of low menace"


I like the part where Gilbert has the "CROCODIIIIILLLEEE" with the woman hidden in it and tries to get it on board. Then he's like "Nice try Rosie" lol. I love the part where John Cleese's character makes the odds fair by baiting the people in the pub with his info, and tells them to lock the doors, put out the candles etc then kills them all lol. It's a pretty funny movie. Some parts are ehhh but it deff has its great moments. When it's on it's on.



I like the part where Gilbert has the "CROCODIIIIILLLEEE" with the woman hidden in it and tries to get it on board. Then he's like "Nice try Rosie" lol.

And then, as Rosie walks off down the quay she passes a chap carrying a sheep and says "I wouldn't bother, love, they're pretty strict on this one". ROTFLMAO.

"Woof. In tones of low menace"


Heh! Classic! I loved Lady Langborne: "Langborne! Stop that man there pissin' on that hedge. It's imported!"


HahaHa! That was absolutely the best scene! The stuttering parrot that is.


I haven't seen this film in ages, but know it so well. It is probably my 2nd favorite movie of all time (The Sting is #1) Reading everyone's favorite parts just makes me crack up. It is tough to pick a favorite, but my favorite line would have to be, after Lambourne sees Yellowbeard out the window, and then Gilbert's head I can't remember exactly where, he says (quotes may not be exact, like I said, it has been ages since I've seen it) "Ebenezer, can drinking make you see things?" "Yes, if you drink enough" "Well, that explains that island I saw" Peter Cook just says it so matter-of-factly. It is just so not what you would expect.



oh yeah that scene where they guy opens the liquor thing and gilbert's head is in there and he just like smiles up at him hahaha. then the guy sees something else outside the window then he's like "can drinking make you see things? I guess that explains the island I saw..." hahaha good part.

I also think it's funny when Moon and Gilbert blow up Pew in the shack...not that I think that's funny, but the WAY they manage to do it is quite hillarious.

I also like when whatever her name is...Betty maybe goes to see Yellowbeard in jail and he's like "YOU AGAIN??" she's like "It's been 15 years" hahha.



Best bet for me is probably where lambourne and Dr Gilcrest and dan and yellowbeard are at the doctors house and they are trying to explain to madeline Kahn what the purpose of their trip is and yellowbeard comes out with ........"Killing Plants!!"

But there are plenty of crackers, i first saw this film about 15 years ago and thought it was great then, I managed to buy an old VHS copy at a yard sale today for 50 pence :-)

I rekon this film is a lot like blazing saddles in that its humour is not politically correct but funnt none the less.


It has to be when the captain asks anyone if they don't wnat to be here raise your hand, then the professor is about to put his hand up but the guy in front of him raises his and gets shot...if you look at Peter Cook he still looks like he wants to raise his hands.....


I love it when David Bowie comes in... both covered in algae "I think she's ready to talk, Sir"
He turns around and reveals a shark fin on his back...

Can't you understand that the lady doesn't wanna go shrimpin' with you, young man?


"It was that shark wot jogged my mem'ry." - Perfect line, perfectly delivered.


Spike Milligan as the flunky: "The fat one on the throne's the queen. I'd grovel upwind of her if I were you - she hasn't been too well today!"

"Woof. In tones of low menace"


this is pretty much one of my all time favorite movies. madeline kahn can do no wrong in my opinion. but my two favorite parts that havent been mentioned so far are the scene after blind pew killed everyone in the bar where madeline kahn's character is going through their wallets and eric idle and his assitant guy come up and ask what happened and she says 'plague'!! and then the other part would have to be the scene where yellowbeard finds dan at lord lambourns and just the entire dialogue between lambourn, dan, and yellowbeard is priceless! everytime lambourn says something or does something its hillarious!! OH! also, in the scene where the guy asks if there is anyone that doesnt want to be on the ship and he shoots the guy who says yes, i love lambourn's face how he still wants to say he doesnt want to be there, but hes scared and doesnt know what to do!! PRICELESS!


before Lambourne kicks the flower girl....she walks up to Dan

Flower girl: Can i have 3 farthings for a lump *beep*
Dan: No you can't have 3 farthings for a lump *beep*
flower girl throws a lump *beep* in his face.....HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA

and Mr Prostitute.....HAHHAHAHA

Peter Cook was priceless throughout


I love how Peter Cook talks in the film...the character sounds like he's always stoned. It's hillarious!!! He's always so out of "oh yeah, that's what happened". Peter Cook is deff. one of the funniest in the movie. "That looks like a mirage I once saw...if I saw it" haha!!!


"I don’t see vulnerability as a flaw. I see it as a manifestation of humanity." ~ Marty Feldman


My favorite part is near the end when YB is trying to remember where he hid the treasure. Stagger, stagger, roll, crawl. Wait was it stagger, stagger, crawl, crawl.

Us Yellowbeards are never more dangerous than when we are dead.


I almost laught my #ss of when they tried to come up with a disguise to YB. The doctor going like: Professor... (and YB finishes) DEATH! RAPE!
And the line: I'm in disguise you stupid thart!


Knock Knock.


I now yell that anytime someone knocks on my door.

Oh yeah, the ending is pretty hilarious too, just because it is so ridiculous.

If you can put off something until tomorrow, maybe tomorrow you won't have to do it.


Haha...yes...I love the "KILL" part too. Graham just comes out of nowhere and is so crazy. I really like how insane he is in the's a nice changed from his more reserved portrayals.

I also think Marty's "There's governments for ya..." line to Graham's "They broke their solemn word!" is rather good. An astute observation really haha.

"I don’t see vulnerability as a flaw. I see it as a manifestation of humanity." ~ Marty Feldman


'Your mother was a liar--no woman ever slept wif' me and lived!'

'We all dream of being a child again - even the worst of us. Perhaps the worst most of all...'


Ha ha ha, Love it. I just watched YellowBeard again for like the 100th time. There are so many good parts. I like the prison scene where YellowBeard is incredulous about "people going around dying all over the place, they take the easy way out. Break their leg, they cry, pull their finger nails out, they scream. You won't catch me dying, they'd have to kill me before I die."


When Betty is trying to deny seeing Yellowbeard:

"These are his clothes"

"Wait a minute! Somebody did pop in here and rape me! These must be his clothes"


"Prison has reformed him - he never used to bother to get undressed in the old days!"

"The hour is come but not the man"


Professor Anthrax!!!! You know, with all the mention that the actual Anthrax got in the news all these years, every time I heard the word, I'd say to myself, "Professor Anthrax!" and laugh.


"I may be blind but I have acute hearing."
"I'm not interested in your jewelry, cloth-eyes!"



Mrs Yellowbeard"Do you remember last time I saw you and we were having a little cuddle?"
Yellowbeard"I was raping you if thats what you mean!" haha
I love yellowbeard- I have seen it hundreds of times-it never gets old!


i always get a good giggle out of the part when james mason gives the one guys his shilling and he kisses mason on the cheeks and then mason says "don't do that! don't do that ever again!" just the match of james' look on his face and the way he delivers the line is priceless.

the stagger, stagger stuff is funnier when yellowbeard is on the front of the ship saying "wait...get shot..." just ridiculous.

and ANY part with peter cook is a riot. lambourne is easily the best character in the whole movie. cook always had the benefit of being the best part of any project he was involved in. then again he also always earned it because he's so bleeding funny.


Half rape, half cuddle.


The film's full of brilliant one liners and gags - especially when they're provided by Chapman, Cleese and Madeline Kahn xD

I absolutely loved the line when Yellowbeard and Dan are having a conversation while digging for a treasure and Yellowbeard says:

"With your head on my shoulders we can wreck civilisation!"

It totally cracked me up xD


"What happened here?"

"It sounded as if there was a bit of a scuffle."

"They're all dead!"

"Ah! It must have been more a tiff then."

"Readin' never taught me nothin", and books is the worst."
