
I just saw this film for the first time. There were some funny things and some good fighting.

"It`s safer down here!!!" Tom Towles
NOTLD {90}



Good Day, Mr Robin_Den_Grusomme.
Did not see it yet. In our country the DVD is on sale and it has English soundtrack. Is it any good watching it dubbed in English?
I have "Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars" in my collection (it has Chinese soundtrack that I like a lot), so now I consider buying this one.
Thanks for your help in advance.

Regards from Russia


Don`t buy the dubbed english version.

Buy this version on the link. It just costs 9 euro.


Candyman "Be My Victim"



Yes, Richard Ng is very funny. Chech him out in the movie Pom Pom.

Candyman "Be My Victim"


I love Winners and Sinners: Five Lucky Stars. It cheers me up when I am in a bad mood.


I like that scene where a riot breaks out at a rally. I laugh my head off when some guy out of frame jumps onto the crowd! LOL!


Richard Ng's "invisible" scene was comic genius not to mention his fighting style near the end. I was on the ground laughing. I actually saw My Lucky Stars before this not knowing this was the original. This was better though. The only thing missing from this one is Eric Tsang.



i loved the shadow boxing from Richard Ng. genius!


Richard Ng's fighting scenes made the movie for me. That guy is a crack up.
