WHat aspect ratio?

all Releases I have ever seen have always seemed to me "pan & scan", or is it?
Anyone ever seen a widescreen version of suburbia? Even the recent Dvd release is fullscreen, event hat it has a directors commentairy, it seems like a copy of a whs tape anyway. Hope anyone can help



Maybe it was filmed in pan and scan and when released in theaters (ala Stanley Kubrick) the top and bottom of the frame were cut off without damaging the view of the movie.


Yeah perhaps, but then again i can find no info to confirm it. It bothers me. Also the Dvd image quality is very poor, seem slamost as a vhs release reocorded by a dvd recorder. It is a shame.


I'd still like to see it in it's original theatrical aspect ratio and I'm pretty sure it would be 1.85:1 Flat. I think Criterion should maek DVD of this. All those who agree say YAY! :)


haha YAY!


It is open matte. All the Roger Corman DVDs from this line are like that.
