Lame Question

This might be a lame question, but were the dogs "killed" in the movie actually killed in reality? During the scene when the GM workers are shooting the dogs (before the police come) it looks to me like the dogs are actually being shot. Is this the case or are my eyes terrible?


i believe they were being tripped. you can see their front feet getting stopped on (probably) fishing line or something that wouldn't show up on camera.


if you look closely, you can actually see the line


This is the best part of the movie! I let a friend borrow it, and he thought they really killed the dogs too. Who needs multi million dollar effects when you got some fishin line?


yeah when that happened, i was watching it with my vegeterian friend, and we were talking about animals and just living beings in general, and when that scene happened, i gasped and couldnt move just like when i saw the curbing scene in american history x.

screwed up shtuff.


Hahaha man that curbing scene is nothing compared to shooting poor doggies. That guy in AHX deserved it, he tried to kill them, even if they were nazi scum.

Okay...maybe he didn't quite deserve THAT...

“Don't accept the old order. Get rid of it.” ~Johnny Rotten aka John Lydon.
