MovieChat Forums > WarGames (1983) Discussion > Things I thought when this movie came ou...

Things I thought when this movie came out.

Just saw this movie tonight again for the first time in years. When I first saw it back in '83 or '84, I remember thinking:

I wish I had a computer with an 8½-inch floppy!

I bet David's computer has 256K of RAM. Wow, that's a lot, I could never afford that!

Ally Sheedy is super adorable!

I'd give anything to have that modem. I bet that sucker is one of those super-fast 1200-baud jobs!

Wow, the WOPR is one hell of a super computer. I bet it has a whole megabyte of RAM!

I wonder when the USSR will attack us for real. Probably soon.

I wonder if I could change my grades and get away with it.

That's about the best animation of dinosaurs I've ever seen!

Juanin Clay is super hot!

Wow, David's computer can draw the US! Cool graphics!

I wanna work at NORAD one day.

"Piss on a spark plug..." That's about the funniest thing I've ever heard!

I hope this comes out on Beta someday so I can watch it whenever I want.



I'm David's age, and I thought many of the same things. But mostly I thought about Jennifer. All hot and sweaty after that long run, coming into my bedroom . . .

Ahem. Anyway, I always thought those 8-inch floppies were ridiculous. I bought my first computer with paper route money in 1980, an Atari 800, and I had 5 1/4-inch floppies. Mind you, I only had 48K, so, yeah, 256K was pretty mind-blowing. I didn't even know what a megabyte was back then.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


IMSAI 8080 computer built on an S100 board? More like 4 K of memory. . . . . they were pretty limited.


Hellll yeah! Ally Sheedy was hot! I liked her better in Wargames than in The Breakfast Club! That long hair in a pony-tail does it for me everytime! What did Bill Gates famously say about RAM back in the 80's, something like "640k should be enough for everybody"?


Ally Sheedy is still pretty good looking. That woman had some legs on her though, holy crap she had nice legs.
I'm not old enough to remember the 640k, but I do remember upgrading from 8 megs to 16 and thinking I'd never have to buy RAM again. Of course, I didn't get my first computer until I was 20.
Even was still hard to fathom how fast we'd come so far.
I had this buddy that would buy all the latest computer stuff, so was generally broke on account of having just paid $1200 for the new CRT 19" monitor that was just...WOW! And the day he announced that he'd upgraded to a gigabyte of Ram...I thought that was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard, a GIGABYTE of RAM? Are you kidding me, talk about overkill, hoah my God man, how stupid lol


Yeah, how times have changed. I am in the process of buying a speedy new gaming laptop. It is made by MSI, and it has 8 gigabytes of RAM in it! Mind=Blown!!!! I think back when i had an Atari 800! 48k!! Gosh!!!


48k, WOW! Leave it to a tech giant like Atari to develop such mind-blowing technology lol

Hey, OT, but...why a gaming laptop? I mean, I've never really understood why someone would spent $700 or so on a gaming laptop when the same amount could get you a desktop...which you could hook up to a nice big TV.
Its expensive to fit the kind of technology needed for gaming into such a compact area...only to be able to say, "Hey, look how small my gaming rig is! Look at these amazing graphics...the textures you can kind of make out in the background awesome!"
What's the deal with gaming laptops?


I dont see how they can be as good - with all the heat , power and space a proper gfx card needs .....
there must be serioulsy watered down gfx modules in a "gaming" laptop


Yeah, its not that I don't understand the appeal, its more that I can't even imagine what the appeal might be lol


Haha, I always thought gaming laptops are for portability and function, at least to the most hardcore techie, which I am not.



portability and function is just laptops in general.
Thats the direct opposite of whats required of a Gaming system.

"Gaming laptop" is an oxymoron . I guess they may be a bit more gaming capable than your average laptop , but no where near what a tower machine could do .

its like trying to remove rock from a quarry with a pickup truck rather than the huge quarry truck :)


Funny visual. You give me a better idea now. (^_^)

It's even more confusing when trying to compare game PCs to video game consoles in their never-ending rivalry of what makes for better gameplay.



I thought that nobody could ever beat my high score on Raster Blaster.

(side note: I got to see this two weeks early in the private, comfy critic's theater due to a friend's father's connection. Felt insanely special)


At the time the film was released the fastest supercomputer in the world was a Cray X-MP. It had 16MB of RAM base and could be expanded to 128MB.


"Ally Sheedy is super adorable!"

You know, whenever I come across this movie I end up watching it again. It's really suspenseful and well written.

And Ally Sheedy is super adorable in it.


>>Things I thought when this movie came out<<

I thought 41 was old when I was was in high school. LOL.

Not no more! LOL.
