Unheralded Lines

"It's 10 o'clock, HERRE's Johnny!" - Maybe one of the best, bad acting (but memorable) one liners in cinematic history. (Note..it is not lost on me that one liners are VERY HARD...seriously...so not a slam on this guy at all but definitely not an Oscar moment. :) )

"Now he's dressing up like Santa Clause......very sordid business."

"I was gonna kick his ass." (BRV said to "love interest" at the bar after the two big dudes leave to check out his limo)

Billy Ray: "Yo Winthorpe!"
(As he stumbles out the door a wretched Winthorpe growls) "Yhheeeeiiieeeee!" (or something like that)

"Hold on... F&%K Off!" Beaks at the phone booth

Others anyone? :)


Louis: "You know those people?" 

Screw you guys. I liked Blues Brothers 2000. :)



My favorite part of that scene is how they all pat each other on the back and congratulate each other when they are done singing...f'ing snobs. :)



A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


HA! That reminds me of the followup:

Big "Barry White Lookin dude" at end of the Billy Ray's party: "That was a stonneee groove my man! You are the most righteous...."

Billy Ray (interrupting him): "Yeah, yeah, just get the f&%k out..."




Merry new year!!



"it gives me the winds something fierce..."


Another train car moment, "I'll rip out your eyes and piss on your brain."


Not a line, but the way Beaks just throws that guy down to the ground when he starts to follow Louis prior to the setup caper. That, and the way the bank guard throws Louis to the sidewalk after his credit cards are re-possessed. Just something hilarious about the way these stunts look on the camera. :)



Billy Ray, as exchange student Nenge Mboko, encounters the drunk baggage handlers on the train...

Billy Ray: (Spouts some pseudo - African sounding gibberish)

Baggage Handler: ...welcome.


Louis Winthorpe III getting out of jail:
"Penelope, do you know where I've BEAN since yesterday?"


The Beaks line when he on the phone was brilliant!
Louis Winthorpe: Nenge? Nenge Mboko? It is me, Lionel Joseph!
Billy Ray Valentine: Lionel! From the African Education Conference!
Louis Winthorpe: Yah, mon, I was Director of Cultural Activities at the Haile Selassie Pavilion.
Billy Ray Valentine: I remember the pavilion - we had big fun there!
Both: Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah! Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah!
Billy Ray Valentine: Oh, memories!


Strip you little *beep* I tear you a new *beep*
