Finally Found!

Every so often for many years I have searched for information about this movie. I am SOOO happy today! I'm dancing, singing and shouting inside.

I was about 8 when I saw this movie in the mid 80s. It has plagued me for many years. I didn't remember the title or any of the actors/actresses only parts of the story. Anyone I talked to about it thought I was just crazy. I would describe different scenes I could remember to people and no one knew what I was talking about. Finally maybe 5 years ago, my mom said she remembered it, but she didn't remember the title or actors either.

I am ordering the movie and seeing if local video stores carry it so I can watch it today. Being a mother of 3 now, I will probably ball my eyes out. It may not be the best movie, but it obviously had an impact on me.



The mnovie makes me cry everytime I watch it. The hoplessness in it is just so real...

I saw the movie when I was 19 years old. While it is very depressing and sad, it is also as the title says a testament to the human spirit. The people in the movie even as they were dropping dead never gave up.

It also a very real picture of how such a thing would go for many minus the nuclear winter effect. Contrary to what people said in those days, you would not kill yourself after such a thing. You'd try to survive and you'd do much to make that happen. You would not give up. It's not human nature to give up.


Same here :) exactly the same story.. i was also about 8-9 years old and remembered only very strong fragments of the movie .. they just were stored for many years in me. Very moving film. i think it shocked me and told me more about the threats which were not recognizable at that time when our country was under russian occupation. 1991 we were finally free, so, borders opened and some things were clear, what the cold war was about.


I was a young adult when it came out and I found it very disturbing, also very sad. I didn't realize at first that the whole family would die, that every time you saw the flashbacks to happier times, like birthday parties or riding bikes with the dad, someone else was going to die. Then it ending with flashbacks of the whole family, and it was certain that the mom and elder son had died too.


Missvirtue - everything that you have written applies 100% to me. I've spent years describing the scenes to people (I saw it when I was about 8), and after a while I started to think I had imagined it! People would always say "must be the Day After' or 'must be Threads'. Is that what they said to you? I stumbled across the title on a thread for a Twilight Zone episode called "A Little Peace and Quiet". I looked up the title in IMDB knew straight away that this was the movie. Good luck getting the movie, I'm going to try to order a copy myself too.



If you want to watch a film of a similar nature, watch On the Beach with Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner. A nuclear holocaust wipes out the whole world and Australia is the last place to get the 'cloud'..This will tear your heart out.
Fred Astaire in a rare dramatic part that should have gotten him an Oscar nom.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything!"....


I too think this is one great movie (On the Beach). My recommendation is to also READ THE BOOK. I did last summer, and it is incredible. It is even better than the movie.


I don't understand how some of you watched this movie being 8 or 9. This kind of movie is definitely not suitable for children that age. This one was PG. I hope you had the appropiate parental guidance when you watched this film. And if you plan to show this to your young kids please don't let them to watch it alone, and with a good talk after. Most of the content is very disturbing and hunting even for adults.
