MovieChat Forums > Tender Mercies (1983) Discussion > Does anyone have ending song

Does anyone have ending song

Hey - does anyone have the ending song "you are what love means to me" that they are willing to share. I just want this song. Thanks in advance.

[email protected]


I wanted to share what I'm about to say somewhere, and this seemed like a good spot to do it:

I have two versions of the film: Australian VHS and DVD; the first version DOES have the song at the end, but mysteriously didn't list it in the credits; the DVD version REMOVES the song and replaces it with subtle, wordless score, but this time the credits DO list the song at the end even though it wasn't played in this version of the film...weird!

When I updated to DVD and watched it for the first time in that format, I was expecting the song to come soaring in, and when it didn't, I was disappointed, and not immediately convinced that the replacement music was a GOOD replacement- but I have a feeling that, over time, I'll be glad it was replaced; to me, there was always something just a BIT wrong about the film ending with that kind of heartstring-tugger on the soundtrack, as if the film was trying to convince us that it had turned into something, by the very end, that it hadn't been for the rest of the film...

"In your eyes, the light, the heat; in your eyes, I am complete"- Peter Gabriel
