soundtrack to the movie

I am interested in finding the soundtrack from this movie and have been unsuccessful to date. can anyone help me? thanks


Just thought you would like to know........... I too have been looking for this soundtrack. The only thing I have found is a used record (which I used to own)that comes with a CD of the soundtrack from a used record and cd retailer. I found this retailer online, but at the moment cannot remember exactly who it was. I just did a search of used websites and finally found one. With that said.... You must know this person was asking $658.99... Yes, if you have not fainted... that was the price... I even eMailed to inquire if it was a typo.... The reply that came back was it was not only correct, but they thought it was a fair price given the rarity of the album. The CD they were throwing in as a bonus for spending top $$'s on the record. Good luck in your search.... Now I wished I would have kept my ablum....


$658.99? I had no idea this soundtrack was so rare (and I suspect it's not). Fortunately, I still have my copy. Vinyl is forever!
