MovieChat Forums > Tender Mercies (1983) Discussion > One of the greatest performances to be c...

One of the greatest performances to be captured on film

What Duvall does in this film is utterly astonishing. I was awed. Not just by Duvalls complete transformation but by his dedication to the absolute truth. The scene where he asks 'why?' moved me. It was one of the VERY few times where i fully believed and cared for this man that I found it difficult to remember it was just a performance. This is because he does not for one second deviate from the truth to self-indulge by showing us his ability to cry on cue or how loud he can shout (pacino/hoffman take note!), instead he chose to show us life as it really was and thus created, not acted, but created a life on screen. Utterly masterful actor. Well deserved Oscar.


Hey MK,

Unlike you, I have been enjoying Duvall's work for over 50 years now, and in all that time, there have been many of his performances that I thought were his "greatest." Just like you, I found his work in this film was astonishing, and I, too, was awed. It was a new Duvall character for me, and it was another moving experience.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile

