MovieChat Forums > Tender Mercies (1983) Discussion > whoa whoa whoa, isn't this exactly Crazy...

whoa whoa whoa, isn't this exactly Crazy Heart?

looks like it. Robert Duvall was even in Crazy Heart.

No expectations, no disappointments.


i would say CH is TM not the other way around


No, no, and no...notwithstanding the excellent soundtrack from Crazy Heart...Tender Mercies is by far the superior film and wonderfully, wonderfully understated, restrained and nuanced (except for bombastic singing performance of Betty Buckley).

I liked Crazy Heart..but I found the very organic relationship of Rosalee and Mac far more believable than the sultry, hot mom performance of Maggie Gillynhall..just did not find it plausible she would take up with a bloated, alcoholic chainsmoker 40 years her senior (and yes..the fact that it was the God-like Jeff Bridges under that made it more palatable).

Tender Mercies is just a relevation...small story, believable people with true heartache. Horton Foote words describe his writing..

You pipple mek my ass twitch


What jonieblon said.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


I'm not at all a fan of country music movies, but I love Tender Mercies. It's a small, perfect movie. Horton Foote was a genius.

I was sorry the kid who played Sonny never stayed in the business as he was a fine, natural actor.

Laurie Mann

