Words of Praise

Tender Mercies is a great film. I'd say its underrated but what do you expect? Its a film from nearly 30 years ago. Not a big film, with big stars, other than Duvall, no special effects or inflated budget. Its just a character film. A wonderful script, impeccable acting from everyone in the cast... a real tragic story. I enjoyed watching it. I hope you tell your friends about it. It needs more attention.



I just watched it tonight and had forgotten how good it was.

~The hope of the whole world rests on the shoulders of a homeless man~


Without going into details, I would like to say that the cinematography is great. The film captures the sky and rural landscape beautifully. Also, the film's quietness and Bruce Beresford's unobtrusive direction enables you to pay more attention to the lives of the characters and the events happening around them more.


Really beautiful, moving film. They really don't make em like this anymore!
