MovieChat Forums > Tender Mercies (1983) Discussion > Duvall just just says his lines...people...

Duvall just just says his lines...people stare at the prairie

Does this movie even qualify as drama? I guess in the way people talking about the past in bathrobes and listlessly attend country concerts is drama. When the credits rolled I was still waiting for something to happen.


They did shoot some explosions and car chase scenes, but they hurt the editor's ears so he didn't put 'em in.


Yeah, because only explosions and car chases can fix a movie. A little humor, vaguely interesting characters?


Did you seriously not see it coming from a mile away that failing to like this movie means you fail at being a good person who has an opinion worth listening to?Please.



If you were still waiting at the end for something to happen then you missed the drama of a human being's complex journey from the top down through misery, and back up with a struggle, trying to find his purpose in life and sorrowing through the worst thing that can happen to any person -- losing a child. Never trusting happiness. Yet still choosing to participate.

Maybe if you watch it again?
