MovieChat Forums > Sudden Impact (1983) Discussion > Wedding party scene and 'Linda Doker'

Wedding party scene and 'Linda Doker'

IMO, no one did "cool" like Callahan in the wedding party scene with Threlkis ("I want to see the old man catch the bouquet...someone clutched their chest--probably saw how much the bill came to...")

But who was Linda Doker, the woman Callahan referred to when he was inciting the old man into the heart attack? Did we see her? I don't see any reference to her in the cast or description of the movie (unless I overlooked something). Judging from the eloquent description Callahan gave of her ("she made old feel worldly...") she must have been a psostitute, but what did Threlkis have to do with her?


As far as I remember, she is never shown at all and only mentioned in that scene. I think Threlkis was being a "dirty" old man with her and then he killed her because she was going to say stuff about him.

"I'm your huckleberry."-Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in Tombstone


Linda Doker was dead before the movie starts. Callahan had that case for a while before getting caught in the revenge plot.
