
in the movie critic book i have, it says that this movie is first in the hoserama series. what is that?


If I were to hazard a guess, I would say it was the first to feature cast members of SCTV. But that's just a guess.




Hoserama was the filming technique parody (like Panavision and CinemaScope) used in making "Strange Brew". It was the first in a series of films that starred SCTV cast members but more importantly, it was supposed to be the first in a series of Bob and Doug movies. Unfortunately, the sequels never came and we are left with only one of the funniest movies ever made.


"We filmed this film in 3B, eh? Three Beers, and it's lookin' pretty good."

I was a vegetable for Bob and Doug when I was a kid. It's not just a Canadian thing. It's not just a guy thing. I introduced my friend to the "Great White North" album when it came out, and we became instant junkies. The movie confirmed our insanity. Who knew we'd be learning Shakespeare in the form of two drunk guys from Canada? (I certainly didn't figure this out until years later)


What I think is odd is that they won't smoke in the movie, but in all the Great White North clips I found...lo and behold, they're SMOKING! O.o
