
I went to see Rush performing their "snakes and arrows" tour in the UK last year, and was astonished when they showed a Bob & Doug clip on the display screens.As the group are Canadian, the film must have a a place "closer to the heart" than other films.What was wierd, was that the clip seemed to be made for the gig.

The set was as the film starts, when Bob & Doug are explaining about letting the moths out in the theatre and the map of the Great White North is behind them.I can't remember exactly what they were onabout, but it was'nt in the film, and they definately looked older.

Geddy Lee, (vocals, Bass & Keyboard) took the piss out of himself ( or was it peoples ignorance?)a bit, saying we're all a bit backward in Canada eh, and we only have 1 T.V. channel, and we all live in igloo's eh.

It was surreally wierd!

Brilliant gig too!!

"How do you know my name..?"
..."It's stenciled on the back of your shorts". {"\ (*_*) /"}


It was probably the clip from Bob and Doug's 24 special. Geddy had recorded a song with the boys song time ago and so had a special guest spot on the anniversary special. Did he have a cake made of doughnuts?

If it isn't, they are friends so its possible he asked Rick and Dave to do a special clip for his show


The clip was made for the Rush tour. It introduces the song "the Larger Bowl". In the clip, Doug has a dog food dispenser that he fills with potato chips. He says that since it only dispenses one chip at a time his brother can't eat the whole bag. Then Bob says "What am I, a dog?". Doug then says "Yeah, and you should eat out of a bowl, whereas I prefer to eat from...the larger bowl, eh".


you've hit it right on the head spencerhargis, that's exactly what what they were on about

It's nice to know though that Rush are fans of Bob & Doug, and visa versa.I nearly fell over when the segment was shown on the screen, I was like uh, WHAT THE...

"How do you know my name..?"
..."It's stenciled on the back of your shorts". {"\ (*_*) /"}


in the movie they refence lakeside park too


Geddy Lee got ten bucks to perform "Take Off To The Great White North" on Bob & Doug's first album, so they have a history of working together.


Rush rules!


Geddy and Alex went to high school with Rick Moranis in Toronto, so they've known each other a very long time.

"Just do it. Sue sue sue. Do it. Go go go go." - How Tom Cruise deals with bad press.


Hey, ten bucks is ten bucks!

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


YEAH I saw that too!!!! I completely forgot I went to the Snakes and Arrows concert in Minneapolis center and saw that. Can't remember the date but it was sweet.

Rush is awesome they have such weird stuff going on during their concerts like the rottiserie (sp) chicken and feeding it to Neil Peart. That whole concert was awesome and I had floor seats so it was really sweet.

There's a bullet out there for everyone the trick is to die of old age before it finds you.


I saw Rush during the Grace Under Pressure tour in '84. They had a Bob & Doug clip in that one too.

Oh spiffing. Absolutely spiffing. Well done. Two dead, twenty-five to go.
-Basil Fawlty
