Hamlet for Hosers

I had the joy (O, JOY) of having to read Shakespeare's "Hamlet" for English Lit not long before I saw this movie for the first time when it was released, and I immediately saw that we weren't just watching two Ontario hosers getting drunk and eating donuts - no way, eh! We were treated to the hoser version of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern aiding Pam (Hamlet) and her crazy boyfriend Rosie LaRose in their quest to bring to justice her murdering uncle, who swooped in to marry her mother after killing her father and took over the Elsinore Brewery (as opposed to Elsinore Castle eh!). With Bob & Doug in charge, this time Hamlet actually has a happy ending with all the free beer and sausages you can handle! But I can't figure out who Brewmeister Smith is supposed to be...any ideas, folks?

And did anyone else make this connection? Or am I stumbling around drunk with William Shakespeare again?

BTW, I named a set of kittens "Bob", "Doug" and "Hosehead" once! *LMAO*

Anyone wanna meet me at Peter's Donuts for a triple-triple and a kruller?


Nah, it's not just you. It's been confirmed from the get go by everyone involved that they were playing on Hamlet. I don't think Smith was based on any character in particular, its just the general story



Pamela is probably the closest female name they could get to Hamlet, right?

My mistake, Sophia. I thought that because you looked like Yoda, you were also wise.
