Now on Blu-ray

Unfortunately, the extras seem to be the same as on the DVD. It would have been nice to get a commentary and/or retrospective documentary.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


That's true, but on the other hand, it's got a hell of a new transfer -- very film-like. And for $14.99 on day one? As someone who was initially lukewarm on the movie, I couldn't pass that up. Good thing, as it's much more enjoyable than I remember.

Not big on nationalism generally, but choosing not to buy it might've hurt my standing as a Canadian.


Haha I was in a similar boat. Wanted a strange comedy and remembered this being alright so I picked it up at Walmart for $8. Alaska is close enough to Canada that I should feel conoelled to buy this, right? I loved it so much more this time through, and you're right about the transfer. Beautiful looking.
