MovieChat Forums > Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 (1983) Discussion > What are those klan clowns doing here?

What are those klan clowns doing here?

When I see this movie I always have to wonder what they were thinking with that potential KKK lynching scene played for laughs. It actually kind of works (especially since it fits the quality of the rest of the movie) but still.

"Here's how you handle the Klan junior!"

The biggest minority in America is the individual.



Maybe the movie did suck,BUT-that scene was funny and they got what was coming to them!Iceberg with feet was a funny line too!


Because there used to be a time when you could make fun of another race (much like EVERYONE can make fun of whites without the ensuing racist shouting) and it was funny. You could use the word retarded and make fun of women and not worry about a protest showing up on your lawn, funded by some crazy left-wing al sharpton type group of losers. Now you're required to allow men to tee tee in a woman's toilet and if you object for ANY reason, you are immediately considered a worse person than Ted bundy



This was the only scene that was cut when I taped it off UK TV in the late 80's.


Yep - ITV cut it, but I think they played the "gate is gone" bit to even things out.


Well, as soon as I get around Colonel Sanders, all that will change.
