The Brent character

For some reason, I get a kick out the fact that this character carries around a tennis racquet in just about every scene. I wish there were more things like that in comedies. Characters always carrying around a prop.

I bought the DVD yesterday. The picture looks fantastic. The extras are pretty good.


Guess it's some kind of rich person stereotype because they seem to play tennis a lot. Or golf. I don't know.

He inspired a character in one of my own screenplays.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


It reminded me of Julian from Trailer Park Boys, another great Canadian production. In every scene Julian has his glass of rum and Coke and i don't think i ever saw a scene where it wasn't.


Hahahahahaha amazing, Julian is the new Brent!
Hey, it's Patrick Swayze!


The tennis racket was Kent Deuters idea. He talks about in on the DVD interview he did.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


I read somewhere about Capt. Harris from the Police Academy movies, that his trademark stick was given to him by an extra on set, and he ended up having it on him at one point or another throughout the whole series of films.

As for Screwballs, I'm pretty sure the character of Rick is chewing gum in almost every scene too.

The only recent movie I can think of that has a character always doing something is Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven, in that his character is always seen eating in nearly every scene.

"Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt."
