Great movie!

I'm astonished that I am the first person to post a thread in regards to this superb movie. Theres a first time for everything I guess. Stellar performances(esp. Lou Gossett Jr.)and great scenery, this has got to be one of the greatest, albeit underrated, made-for-TV movies of the '80s


I haven't seen this movie! I am curious, what could be the reason to be banned in Egypt?!


This film is banned in Egypt because the Egyptian government objects to Sadat or any Egyptian being portrayed by a black actor.,_Jr.

"In 1983, Gossett was cast in the title role in Sadat, a miniseries which chronicled the life and assassination of Anwar Sadat. Egypt's government, often criticized by blacks and others as Afrophobic, objected to the casting choice and banned the production, which was critically acclaimed."


The originals Egyptians were Black so what's the problem!

Black=Black anywhere you go!

You must be talking about the Arabs who invaded Egypt so they are neither Black or Egyptian right?

Who did they want to play this Great Man? Omar Sharif???????

Egypt is in Africa and the original Egyptians were Black!



Sadat was black...just light skinned and like many modern day Egyptians he was Arab with black african in him. The issue was more to do with general politics and Egypt's ranking amongst other African nations.

Egypt is the only country that considers itself more Middle Eastern than African and this is not a skin colour issue, because Lybia, Algeria, and the rest of the Magrib consider themselves as mainly 'African' than Middle Eastern...

Last film watched:
Children of Men 7/10


Yes, I saw it not too long ago on cable. I had heard of it as a kid but didn't know that it was made after Sadat was killed. Gossett gave a great performance and you could see that Sadat did change over time from a man who wanted to get rid of Israel to a man who wanted peace in the Middle East.
