Shower Scene

This movie is such an incredible inspiration. I wish with all my heart that my kids could see it (ages 5, 7, 9 and 11), but the producers just had to go and put a shower scene in with very graphic scenes of naked men. And this movie played on the Disney Channel! Why, oh why did they have to go and ruin it? I really want me kids to see it and feel the inspiration. But there's no way I could fast forward our DVD fast enough without them seeing *everything*. What a loss.


Rent the DVD, get an old VHS video recorder and record the movie, sans shower scene.

I'm looking for an old distance runner friend named Wendell Smith. I'm wondering if the Wendell Smith in the Movie is my friend. Any suggestions?


I understand the recently released DVD is the edited for TV version that does not include the offending scene.


I just bought the DVD and they did not cut the entire shower scene out, but they did clip out the most offending part of it. So I guess in a way it is at least tolerable now. I'll wait till my kids become pre-teens, and then I'll let them watch it. Because it really is a good story.


Yes, I noticed that some of the words seemed to be recorded over. It's too bad they do this. DVDs are getting to be such knockoffs these days; no respect for the original film. But the DVD is the only version I've seen. What did they show in the shower scene in the original? Do they show Robby Benson's weener?


Ohh the shock and horror of men in a shower, washing themselves. I'll bet your kids are ashamed of the Bm's too. Grow up already.
Billy Willy


First of all, I don't understand this thing where we teach our children that nakedness is "dirty". I am a Christian and I think this is the cause of many sexual hangups that adult Christian people have. My wife is a psychologist and treats mostly Christian couples/people and far, far too many have sexual hangups.

The human body is normal and good, there is nothing "dirty" about it. Here are two solutions for you:

1. When the scene comes on, make no deal out of it, act as if everything is normal. There is going to be a time soon when your kids will be showering with kids after P.E. anyway. Just act as if nothing is out of normal and don't make a big deal out of it.

2. I did this with my kids if there was a scene I didn't think was appropriate for them, I simply turned down the volume and told them to cover their eyes. Fast-forward if need be.

Don't teach your kids that nudity is a bad thing. If it's in the context of something sexual, well that is a different story, but nudity in innocuous situations is nothing to get in a tizzy about.

We live in a society where women have to fight to get the right to breastfeed their children in public! Which is so absurd! We need to stop treating every part of the human body as something sexual. A woman's breasts while feeding a child are not sexual. Men taking a shower is not sexual. Surely anyone can read something sexual into it, just like people can view a woman's shoe as something sexual, but that is simply the *interpretation*, it isn't inherently sexual.

Don't freak out about nudity around your children and you won't build into them hang ups about nudity. If you freak and make a scene, then they start to think that the human body is a dirty thing and that is not God's intent.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Some time has passed, but I want to thank you for so well expressing my thoughts in your posting.


You're quite welcome. Hopefully more Christians will realize this and we won't see so many sexual hang-ups among the children of God. God isn't hung-up about sex, He created it for crying out loud.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Bladerunner• allow me to add to the chorus of praise for your post. You sound like an intelligent worthwhile person.


Thank you for your kind comments.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


How did religion get into the mix? None of the posts mentioned any religion until it was automatically assumed that since someone considered nudity offensive and not appropriate for pre-teens, they had to be christians. You could even make a case against them being christian because they watch the Disney channel, christian fundamentalists hate Disney.

I am reminded of a story my mother told about a man she worked for who owned his own business. Before he hired a new employee, he took them to lunch to see how they seasoned their food. If a person seasoned their food before they tasted it, he would not hire them because they assumed something was a certain way without checking it. If they tested the food and then seasoned it they were hired.

There are many people in this world who have a much harsher views towards nudity and sexuality than christians. I have never met christian parents that had their daughter circumsised. There are untold numbers of women in Africa that have been raped by armed gorillas that are shuned by their husbands and families because they are unclean. If you want to attack a religon over something, how about "honor killings".


Religion got "into the mix" because I introduced it into the mix. Nudity in film is often bemoaned by Christians and Christian leaders. I took the time to comment on that.

Secondly, no, Christian fundamentalists do not "hate" the Disney Channel. Perhaps some Christian radicals don't like Disney, but I know many Christian fundamentalists that have no problem with Disney. Certainly there are some things Disney does, and policies they have that are problematic for Christians, but the positive things they do far outweigh any of that.

Lastly, I spoke about Christianity because I am very familiar with people in that culture and it was on my mind. I can't speak for other religions, and frankly I'm not concerned with what they are teaching their children vis-a-vis sex and I have no authority to express my opinion to them. I am very concerned about what Christian parents are teaching their children, because they are representing Christ. Also, since all Christians are brothers and sisters - and the Bible says we are to be accountable to one another - I feel compelled to talk about that to them (and I listen when other brothers and sisters feel compelled to talk to me).

I'm not nitpicking, but the word "Christian" should be capitalized. Doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not, it is a noun based upon a proper noun, and is always capitalized as are all religions. Secondly, a "gorilla" is an ape, a "guerrilla" is an soldier. Just thought you'd want to know.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Capitalization does not denote respect. Satan is capitalized in the Bible.


This was very eloquently stated, Bladerunner. I only wish MikeDevilsFan could have put forth half the effort you did to express yourself.Thank you.
