
I would just like to express my shock and disgust that Risky Business has a rating of only 6.6/10 on IMDb. I think it is a truly funny, intelligent, stylish, and artful film that merits closer to an 8 or so. Anyone agree?


Nah, it looses points for being about a guy who runs a prostitution business but barely even showing said prostitution. It's all pretty much implied and looses much of the impact.


You thought it was necessary to show exactly what went on between Joel's friends and the prostitutes? I strongly disagree. While I do enjoy gratuitous sex in movies, it can turn sophisticated, intelligent movies like Risky Business into sleaze.


I just watched this for the first time last night, I found it amazingly better than I predicted. Its almost more of a drama than a comedy, I mean, sure there are quite a few laughs but how amazing was the ending where the kids are selling their future products and Joel narrates "My name is Joel Goodson. I deal in human fulfillment". I found it very insightful and quite moving with how it deals with Joels coming of age and even subtly about the American dream, so I gave it a 9


The perception of this movie among people who haven't seen it is that it's a teen sex comedy a la Fast Times at Ridgemont High or American Pie, but you're right, comedy seems like too lighthearted a word to describe Risky Business, and the movie is about so much more than just teen sex. I'm glad you appreciate Risky Business as much as I do!


They need not be gratuitous or explicit scenes, but they could easily have made for some comedic scenes.


Comedic scenes about awkward teenage sex have been done enough. Its to the credit of Risky Business that it stays away from this and the other cliches if its genre.


This deserves an 8, agreed





How can a sleazy movie be more sleazy? It was sleazy from the beginning to the end, without showing a lot of nudity. Plus, why do people put two Os in lose or loses? Can you guys type? Seriously, it isn't that hard to type lose or loses.

No more IMDB boards for me!


No, its because of that one prostitute chick that walks through the door that looks like a guy...(Not the black guy earlier in the movie)


It figures someone who can't differentiate between "lose" and "loose" only cares about nudity since the movie screen is the only place where he can experience it.


When did I ever mention nudity? I even said that the scenes do not need to be gratuitous or explicit. I said the movie is ineffective in conveying the story because everything is implied. It's more like he's having some big party instead of running a prostitution house.


Maybe if the movie was about a guy running a prostitution business you'd have a point, but since it isn't, you don't.

Now go back to watching The Girl Next Door.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Maybe if the movie was about a guy running a prostitution business you'd have a point, but since it isn't, you don't.

This whole time he was making money with prostitutes is not a prostitute business? Okay, whatever.

No more IMDB boards for me!


The one night he's running a whore house, not the whole time/entire movie.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


The one night he's running a whore house, not the whole time/entire movie.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.




There's Skinamax for that, bub.



Could not agree more.


I agree, ever since I saw this movie for the first time, I love it.

How the music fits each scene and all, this definately deserves more than a 6.6!


Absolutely agree. Risky Business and - personally - The Girl Next Door, are two "teen" "comedies" much underrated. Totally reaching cult-status movies.



Well said mate, this is pretty much my favourite movie of the 80's and has a depth and insight not appreciated by most, and the tangerine dream music really lifts the film to a new level..
A definite 9 for me.

Guess the voting may reflect why we see so much dross in the cinema these days, i.e. a lot of people like crap movies and dislike good ones :(


I'm with you, OP. I'm stunned also! I would have expected at the very least a 7.5. There will always be negative reviews, even of truly great films like this one, but 6.6? Really?


I watched it in the theater on its first run in Seattle. My friend and his wife were offended by it. Her sister and I both loved it. I give it a 9/10.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them ...well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx

