MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Discussion > But why did Luke throw away his lightsab...

But why did Luke throw away his lightsaber?

I mean I get the symbolism, but what was his plan after he threw it away? Even if he refused to join Palpatine, he still had to kill him. I guess you could say he just didn't expect the force lightning, but still dude, just turn it off and put it in your belt at least


He knew if he had it in his hand, he would be tempted to strike Palpatine down in anger, thus turning to the dark side. This is Palpatine’s threat to him all along.
Also, this is the nerdiest shit I ever wrote lol..


He knew he'd never be able to kill Palpatine. By that point Luke would be aware that Palpy was an incredibly powerful Sith sorcerer, and the only way to defeat him would be to tap into Dark Side powers, and even then it wouldn't be guaranteed. But once he took "that" step, he'd be on the path to become a Sith Lord, and that was the last thing Luke wanted.


He was willing to sacrifice himself in the hopes his father would turn to the Light Side. And it worked.


Yeah. Basically, he was trying to guilt-trip Vader into changing sides.


Because Rian Johnson clearly traveled back in time and in order to ruin Star Wars in 1983.


Because he knew that he would have to unleash his hate to kill him, also he wasn’t counting on the Emperor having force lightning.
