The real true Star Wars saga ending

Just like T2 judgement day was but they can’t let it die


Totally agree, anything beyond the OT or the prequels I consider to be fan fiction, really, really bad fan fiction.

What pisses me off the most about the ST is the triumphant moment that the heroes had at the end of ROTJ now means absolutely nothing.


That's life man. No real Happy Endings...EVER.....


This isn’t life, this is science fantasy and it’s supposed to be entertainment


Who's to say sad endings are not entertainment????


I don’t mind a sad ending but when we have a triumphant happy ending that worked well I’d prefer it not to be undermined 3 decades later


Correct, just make up some completely new saga years later...don't go back and undue the previous settled and resolved saga, mess with the old characters and change around the canon.

Disney just put idiots in charge of the franchise.


100% quote for truth.


You don't like that there is a "First Order" with a planet sized doomsday weapon and a whole fleet of dreadnaughts and star if they didn't actually defeat the empire?

You don't like Han leaving Leia and going back to smuggling?

You don't like Luke's nephew turning to the dark side...right after Vader turned back to the light?

You don't like Luke sucking cow booby milk and withering away, bitter on an island refusing to help fight the (for some reason still around) empire and just vanishing for no reason while sitting on a rock cliff?


No to all those, Hans. I really didn't even want an Episode 7, 8, and 9 either. I'm not one of the hardcore fans who has read books sequels to the movies or read comics of it.


This was the worst Star Wars movie. Silly as hell. It was part slapstick comedy. You can think of it as the true ending all you want but its not ...lmao. .


STFU, troll!


I will not be silenced....your STFU'S do not work on me....ROTJ was a campy silly film. I knew this at 12 and I know it now. It was out of sync and tone with the first two films. Worst Star Wars ever......sorry Foebitch....😃😃😃😃


Hang on, have we had this discussion before? If I remember, we agreed to disagree.




Yerah, ROTJ was just a bad retread of star wars. Could have been great, but they had to add the freakin teddy bears, burping and farting, and turned the stormtroopers into the keystone cops. Totally incongruent with the first 2 films.


This was the worst Star Wars movie.

In the original trilogy, yeap, it was the worst one.

And however, it's still way better than any of the new ones.


Aotc and Rots and Ro are all better....


I will laugh if you are a fan of the disney films.


The saga got cheesy with ROTJ. Should’ve ended with ESB.


A few fixes to ROTJ would make it better.

1) Ewoks changed to Wookies, tiny wooden arrows replaced with Stormtrooper Armor piercing Spears.
2) Single A-Wing does not take out the Super-class Star Destroyer Executor bridge, but an entire fleet of say 20+ Rebel B-Wing Fighters concentrating on the shield generators and then bombing the bridge does.
3) TIE Defenders added to the space Battle of Endor.
4) TIE Bombers added to the space Battle of Endor.
5) AT-AT Walkers added to the surface Battle of Endor approaching the bunker, which are destroyed when the Shield Generator explodes.
6) Captain Pallaeon (Thrawn Trilogy) takes over the Imperial Fleet following the destruction of the Executor, orders the Star Destroyers to flee to Imperial Center (Coruscant) once the Death Star II ignites.
7) Darth Vader has no idea that Rebels are on the Shuttle Tydirium, and Luke Skywalker is able to mask his presence.
8) Boba Fett is not killed by an accidental staff to the jetpack and then flying into the Sarlacc, he escapes the Battle of the Sail Barge.
9) Jabba's Palace song shortened immensely, switched back to the original pre-Special Edition.
10) Sebastian Shaw added back as Anakin Skywalker Force Ghost.


Fine with the Ewoks ... they got overrun until Chewie gained control of the AT-ST.
The A-Wing is only able to take out the Executor since Y-Wings destroyed it's bridge deflector shield. It didn't do it alone.
Bombers on endor would have been ok, but there was a space battle going on.
AT-AT's wouldn't be suitable for the dense forest environment.
How does Luke face the Emperor if Vader doesn't come down and get him from Endor?
Jabba's song back to OT agree 100%
Bobba Fett show as jetpacking away but not falling into the Sarlacc pit, they dont show him escaping but dont show him dying either would have sufficed
100% Get rid of hayden force ghost
Leia's body is fine


1) They talked about this. But it begs the question of why the Empire would let a race of powerful, technology savy creatures run free on a critically important location. Second, there would be no doubt about the resolution of the battle if they were wookies. Third, it would take away the importance of Chewbacca and his contribution.

2) I always thought the Destroyer had already been damaged during the confrontation but techological restraints at that time prevented us from seeing it on screen.

7) Is critical to the ongoing storyline of the connection between Vader and Luke.


2) They do address this. Y-Wings laugh a run on the ships bridge deflector shield generator(s) and destroy them. This makes them remark that they need to take action to mitigate the risk of something getting through:

Sir, we've lost our bridge deflector shield.

Intensify the forward batteries. I don't want anything to get through.

The commander is looking out of the window where a damaged Rebel
fighter is out of control and heading directly toward the bridge.

Intensify forward firepower!

It's too late!


Yeah, even with the shields down thanks to those Y-Wings, the A-Wing would be a pin prick on an elephant. The A-Wing would have impacted the bridge windows and demolished the area Admiral Piett was in, sure, but the entire command tower being engulfed in flames mere moments later was insane.

We all saw the size comparison of Shuttle Tydirium flying along side Executor command tower earlier in the movie, so the fire caused by the even smaller A-Wing would have been localized, and suppressed, and the secondary bridge activated somewhere else on the ship.

I guess George had to end his movie ASAP though, lol.


This movie sucked you idiot....fucking teddy bears??? Give me a break...🙄🙄🙄🙄

