MovieChat Forums > Psycho II (1983) Discussion > Just thought of this...

Just thought of this...

I never really thought of it before, but I kind of find it odd that the character of Sam Loomis didn't return for this film as he's mentioned to be dead by the events of this movie. Sam Loomis wasn't that old (He would have only been in his 50s by the time the events in Psycho II unfold), and the actor, John Gavin, was still alive then as he is still alive today, so he could've easily returned to be part of this movie. I'm wondering why they decided to kill him off. My best guess is that Lila's motivations come after Sam's death because Sam was probably too soft of a person to try to drive Norman crazy again. Then again, he did become pretty violent and angry with Norman in the motel office at the end of the first movie.


John Gavin couldn't reprise the Sam Loomis role because he had other commitments at the time. According to a biography he was Ambassador to Mexico between 1981 and 1986. So it was easier just to say the character had died.


Yeah, John Gavin had other commitments. And men dying in their 50s was not all that uncommon in the early 80s.


lol - so life expectancy has changed a lot since way back in the early '80s, eh?


Also for the story it didn't really make sense to have him there.


yeah what would his purpose have been? To get revenge on Norman, we already had Lila doing that and that was enough.
