MovieChat Forums > Psycho II (1983) Discussion > 'You're sure you won't have a sandwich?'

'You're sure you won't have a sandwich?'

(shovel upside the head)



For some odd reason, I found that scene to be funny.



I thought I was the only person. I saw this movie Sunday for the first time in about 5 years. I forgot all about the ending. Funny ending. Wham! lol


Yeah me too, I love Anthony Perkins in everything. He's one of my favourite actors and the only Norman bates. The remake was just bloody awful with Vincent Vaughan. The scene in the first film where he talks to Marion about putting his mother in a metal home, tony Perkins stole that entire scene, he creeped me out to death. When Vincent Vaughan did the same scene, it was crap, just terrible. Sounded like he was asking for an ice cream. Tony Perkins could put hairs on the back of your neck in two mins cos such a fantastic actor!!!!!
That scene where he whacks her over the head with the shovel cracks me up too, hahahahhaah so cool "you like a sandwich?" Then whammmmo right on the head. Hahahahhaah classis Anthony Perkins. Your the best!!!


The weird thing, I don't think it's funny at all. But it makes me laugh out loud every time for some reason. It's not funny, it's not hokey, it's not hammy, or anything like that, but for some reason you just burst out laughing when he hits her with the shovel!


((((((( CLANNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG )))))))))) Bwhahahahaha That scene cracks me up every time




One of the all-time classic movie scenes.

I'm still amazed when I watch it because it looks like he really does WHACK her.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I'm still amazed when I watch it because it looks like he really does WHACK her.

I agree it really does! And the expression on her face really looked like she'd been walloped!
The only thing that was puzzling (besides why the chair literally disintegrated) was why there was no blood coming out of her head.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Laugh out loud every time.

I'm the saddle.




Pardon me?
(twitch, twitch)



From a serial killer, no thanks.. (probably laced w/strychnine)
