Abysmal (spoilers)

I hated nearly everything about this anime feature. Actually, I gave it a 2/10 for not being totally incompetent.

The lead character is an emotionless android. Why he's hooking up with numerous women to pass time goes unexplored.

Numerous sex scenes and misogynist torture porn throughout. Did Rita need to die? She was out of picture enough by then. Did Snake having his way with Laura really make Dawson look evil or did it make the creators look like creeps?

Terrible structure. So many jobs thrown in with no background, weight, or lasting effect. Cindy's entire time was joke. You have to laugh at how the government guys wait so long to order shots fired on Duke, both here and in the Nazi hit. I don't even recall Duke doing anything about that bishop's hit.

The helicopter CGI sequence was an ambitious move, but ultimately makes for a jarring discontent as the contrast between styles is too evident.

Several key action sequences are glossed over with stills.

I can't begin to buy the son's laughable suicide explanation nor that his widow ends up a prostitute.

I can understand the comparison to Luc Besson's The Professional, but it's not like this is all that unique in the first place. Leon at least has drive and a sense of humor. At no point was I rooting for this hero.



Numerous sex scenes and misogynist torture porn throughout.

Ah, a social justice warrior spotted.

"Herp derp, why are these evil assassins having sex with women and raping them? Evil people don't do that in real life. I am precious." - Legendary_"Badass"



The movie is made in 1983. Of course it won't click in place with today's generation (I can tell you're a part of it).
