Ebert's review

He's pretty dead on about the female humiliation scenes. However, there are moments when the guys are sort of humiliated too, but not really for their sexuality.

Anyway, I do have an affection for this movie overall. Beautiful women and a great soundtrack (although there may be a problem when a movie has to have a song playing in practically every scene).


You know, I was watching Siskel and Ebert's movie review show in 1983 most weeks, and I did not see then review Private School. I'm pretty sure it would have gotten two thumbs down and they'd have disliked it. Most critics did, and I did watch Entertainment Tonight alot of nights in 1983, and did see most of Leonard Maltin's reviews on it then, and did see his review if Private School one night in late July, 1983. And he absolutely slammed it, and gave it a 1 (on his 1-10 scale).

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park


Wow- how the hell do you remember a TV review from 25 years ago which hasn't been aired since? I really admire your memory!


Leonard Maltin is an idiot.
What other films did he give a 1 on his 1-10 scale ? So I can see those films, they must be great.


You know, I can't recall him giving any other movie a 1 on his TV scale. I do remember, however, that in July, 1983 during our family beach trip my mother, sister, and I were up in Myrtle Beach one day, and went to its mall and bookstore, and I saw his movie review book. I asked her to buy it, and she seemed reluctant, saying it wasn't nearly as good as a previous one we'd gotten earlier in 1983. She did get it, I began reading it then and in the car, and saw why she felt that way. Because most of his reviews were somewhat critical, and many were very hard and negative. And very few movies did he give a truly excellent review/4 star rating to. So if you can get his yearly review book, you will see alot of other movies he gives negative reviews to.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park


Well I hate to say it but Leonard Maltin does not know what he is talking about giving this a 1 out of a 10 in a 1-10 scale. This is a very good movie and I loved watching it!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


No, critically and artistically speaking, Prviate School is not a good movie at all. It's a fun movie, that's for damn sure, and it does what it's supposed to do, which is to entertain the audience. But when critics like Ebert and Maltin talk about "good" movies, they mean movies which are accomplished pieces of cinema such as "The Godfather" or "Citizen Kane". You can't put "Private School" in the same category as those films and expect to be taken seriously.


Yes we all know that but it is still very entertaining Private School is. It is to make you laugh and have a great time at the movies. That was the purpose and reason why it was made.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


Private School is a good movie.
Older Critics never give comedy's good reviews like drama's.
The Director of Private School Noel Black was nominated for an Oscar for another movie he directed. I do not think this movie would have such a cult following if it were not good. If every movie had to be "accomplished pieces of cinema" like The Godfather or Citizen Kane to be a good movie. No comedy's would be good. Many younger critics now consider comedy's good movies. They just use 1 to 5 stars to rate how good or bad the movie is. Leonard Maltin gave Private School 0 or 1 star, I can't remember. If it's an entertaining fun movie it should be at least 3 stars. If a movie like The Godfather is 5 stars.
There are plenty of B.Movies that are just 1 star. Private School is at least 3 *** Stars. It's a very good fun movie.


I have to agree with you that Private School is a very good movie and I loved it! I remember when this cam out when I was 11 years old and seeing Bubba dressed up like a woman. I knew that this was going to be a good movie and I wanted to go see it.

I di not get the chance to see Private School until it went to video. I happened to catch this late on a Friday or Saturday night on USA UP ALL NIGHT! When I saw it on there I knew I was going to love the movie. That is when I rented it and was very pleased in renting the movie.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


What does any critic know? When it comes down to it, any review, good, bad or indifferent, is nothing more than the reviewer's subjective personal opinion. Sometimes you'll agree, sometimes you won't.

I've never let a critic influence my decisions on what movies to see or not see and I never will.


I do not allow any film critic make my decision either.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! Https://www.usaupallnight.webs.com


I was surprised that Ebert did even review that film. He might've seen it separately and wrote a review. That did happen at times.


Yeah, I saw his review in his first Movie Home Companion. He did have some good points though, about the film.


I seriously doubt there were any good points mentioned. He gave the film a 1.
He's a moron.


He gave the film two stars, not a 1. You are the moron.


IMDb member Hereminton said on Apr.29, 2008 "Leonard Malton slammed it and gave it a 1 (on his 1-10 scale) in July 1983"

I was responding to his post on this thread Moron.
