The pit remake

ah my brothers, wait a couple decades or so and see that I will
someday direct all those unkown forgotton movies(like this film) and bring them to life again...


that's pure blasphemy. Even with 500 million dollars no one could top this, no matter how hard you try to remake it. It captures the early 1980s and that's a huge part of what makes it special


blasphemy my ass


The only way I'd be slightly interested in a Pit remake is if it's based on Ian Stuart's original script, otherwise...pass.

The Pit works for me because of it's great 80's cheesiness, and Sammy Snyders. Without those two things I wouldn't still enjoy the film today. Some films work because of the time period they were made Kenny and Co(which is a great 70's time capsule)...The Pit wouldn't work had it been made in any other decade but the early 80's.

In away I'm glad The Pit is lesser known, if it had been a more well known and popular film(or made in Japan) it would have been snatched up by Hollywood already.


Like I said in a previous post, imagine if Richard Kelly directed this.

XTRO Theme:



Why on earth would you aspire to be a director who remakes films?!
There's so much of that going on now and it's boring. Between remakes, sequels and reboots there isn't an original idea in Hollywood.
Why not make something original? Come up with your own ideas


This film doesn't need a remake; it's fine the way it is.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find


Good luck with that.


I imagine that if they remade the film today they'd try to make it into a dark fairy tale. They'd get rid of all the humor and bizarre horror/comedy mix that makes this film work. Today's movies are all about being "dark and gritty." I think they'd make it boring. So I say this film is fine as it is.
