Pirate King

Have any of you guys ever watched Kevin Kline through all of his sequences? Its AWESOME huh? Just his facial expressions and movements - absolutely hilarious
Love how he jumps around in 'Cat like tread' in the big end sequence (of the song) that looks pretty damn hard to do, lol

'Dance Magic Dance!'


He's fantastic!! Also, if you listen closely during 'Hail Poetry', at the crescendo at the end of the song, you can pick out Kline's voice, and hear just how powerfully he's singing. It's AMAZING!


Did you mention sexy? Because....


"One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." G.W.B.


unfortunately time has taken its toll

like it does...all of the time!!

but i look at the play my high school did and this one...we got nuttin on them!!

Being good...is not my strong point!


I love when the major general comes on and The Pirate King (Kevin Kline) says, "it's the same as the pirate king tune!"
and when he hands Fredric his sword and cuts his hand causing him to groan in pain in the middle of his valiant speech when he puts his wounded hand dramatically on Frederic's shoulder.


Yo ho ho its a pirates life for me.


Omygod... I was in LOVE with the man when I was younger!!! Open shirt and tight leather pants.... doesn't get better than that!!!


He is so great and even though he is so graceful and adept he is able to make it comic as if he were just stumbling through it. Isn't it very satisfying to see someone leaping around like that and know that it's real; no computer-generated anything? Hurray for the Pirate King.


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE PIRATE KING!!!!!!! he's so funny, and witty. i love when the major general finishes singing 'I am the very model of a modern major general" the first time, and pirate king says "could you do it again, and could you do it faster?" he's hysterical! If i was a guy, that would be my dream role. sadly, i will have to settle for mable, and work on my high notes (dang those notes are way up there). Oh, i also love the orphan/often bit. FUNNY!!!

"Will someone please explain to me what these magic numbers are?" =)


I luv luv luv when they end that one song where the king puts his foot up and they shoved a box under his foot! LOL :) :P :O :) :P :O :) :P :O :)


Oh, i also love the orphan/often bit. FUNNY!!!

I remember performing this in high school and even though we had rehearsed this a zillion times, we (MGS's daughters) were still laughing at the whole exchange. Now I have to go watch it.

Knife-WRENCH...for kids!


Kevin Kline int Pirates could very well be solely responsible for turning me gay as a child....still get those feelings when I watch him in this....hehehe


HELL YES!! I grew up watching our Beta copy of this film and have always loved Kevin Kline's Pirate King. <3 I mean...screw Johnny Depp! Kevin is my vision of the perfect pirate. I just love the headband...and he actually makes facial (and body hair) rock!! XD I mean, I love that scene where Frederic is going to run him in and the King just lays on the floor opening his shirt wide, as if to say, "I know you'll never do it so I'll make a big manly display to call your bluff!!" XD So funny!!

Favorite line with the Pirate King? "That's the Pirate King tune!!" It's one of those added-in lines that I love so much in this move adaptation! XD I always used to laugh when he looks up at sun to tell the time like a clock. OMG, and when he says, "We are rough men, who lead a rough life!" LOL's to the extreme.

*le sigh* Kevin makes Rex look so extremely boyish. While Rex is really good in his role...When the Pirate King is around, no one is thinking of poor Frederic! ^.~
