MovieChat Forums > The Pirates of Penzance (1983) Discussion > Can someone help me about the musical?

Can someone help me about the musical?

Well, in my high school, we're doing a play "Pirates of Penzance". I don't know a lot about this movie, but I would like to know can anyone help me? Can you please tell me the list of main characters? Because IMDb doesn't really have a list of the MAIN characters. Please!


The main characters are the first ones listed.
The Pirate King
Maj. Gen. Stanley


"Pirates of Penzance" is a comic operetta by Gilbert and Sullivan. For information on it, I suggest you go to these sites:

For information on the operetta:

For information on Sullivan, the composer:

For information on Gilbert, who wrote the lyrics:

To download this Libretto and others of G&S go here:

It's really a very fun piece to do. Hope you have fun!


Our school is doing our musical on the Pirates Of Penzance this year aswell..
I am a lame back up pirate! Gayness -.-


You're seriously disappointed about that?

I'd love to be in a chorus for this (not as much as I'd like to be Mabel or Ruth, but still). It's not like the more recent musicals that have small, not very fun chorus songs (if any at all), The Pirates of Penzance has such great chorus songs!

Maybe that's just me. I personally hated being in the chorus for Once Upon a Mattress, so maybe this is just coming from comparison.

You look divoon! Simply divoon!


I just did Pirates of Penzance and I got the leading role as Frederic. Let me tell ya its a hard role to play but I nailed it and its so much fun singing the songs and UGGGGGGGH its an amazing play and I hope they remake the movie or release it on DVD! And question for you nessathetyrant06 what is "Once upon a mattress" because thats not in the Pirates play. Haha oh well, i wish luck to anyone who wants to do this play and try your best and just have fun with it because its a wonderful feeling to be up on the stage singing "Oh is there not one maiden breast" Haha I love that song. Anyway, Peace out every one!


The main characters in "The Pirates of Penzance" are;

Modern Major General Stanley
Pirate King

I've been in the Pirates of Penzance twice and have played the role of Edith twice. It's been a pleasure to play this role. I loved every moment of it. And just a brief note to say, it's not a musical, it's an operetta. I love the music and i love the dialogue.



I am guessing since you've done the musical twice you understand all of the characters. My high school is doing it and i really wanted a summary of all of the female leads.... i.e: old, spunky, brattty.... blah, blah, blah. So f you could help me out that would be great!


The teo times that i've done it, all the character's were improvised through the actors. It's the actor's interpretation of the characters. It's up to you how you want your character to be.

Ruthie Henshall and Catherine Zeta-Jones rock my wurld!!!!!


I hope you guys enjoy your performances - doing PoP senior year as one of MGS's daughters was the single best experience of my high school life directly related to high school. We had a phenominal cast (including a Pirate King who purposely failed his senior year so he could return; he was a senior the year before when we performed Peter Pan and he was cast as Capt. Hook) and to this day, I can't think of something else I would love to perform again. Hail Poetry still give me goosebumps.

The geek shall inherit the earth.


I love this musical. It was my junior year when this was put on. I was going for the part of Ruth, but I got the part of one of the daughters(although the movie has 8, I think, our production had more than 12. Stanley was a busy man...LOL) I received a lot of compliments because out of the 12+ daughters, only 2 of us were altos, the rest sopranos. We were told that we could be heard, which I'm happy about because with so many sopranos, I wasn't too sure if our part was powered out.
I loved being in this musical. The adreniline(sp?)rush you get from being on stage is so exciting!!


Yeah, us altos were overworked and underpaid, as it were - and those alto parts make it worth listening too! Those were tough parts as well!

The geek shall inherit the earth.


Stage versions and film verisions are different in many ways, sometimes in characters.
A reliable source for plays, operas and musicals is
The direct link to PoP is
It lists part size, vocal range, amount of dancing and age range of characters.

Extra daughters/pirates/officers can be added as chorus.
Our local theatre did it a few years ago and we had 8 extra daughters and 8 extra pirates

This year I went to a highschool production of Pirates and they had 25 daughters and 25 pirates. The director didn't want to cut anyone, that was way too much I advise against it...

Good Luck!

'Fra-gee-lay, must be italian'-The Old Man


I was Frederic in a small production during high school. Here's some info on the characters to help out anyone who is auditioning:


Character Name: Mabel
Character Age: 15-26
Voice Type: Soprano (Coloratura)
How big the role is: Lead
Description: Mabel is the beautiful and independent ward of Major-General Stanley who falls in love with Frederic.

Character Name: Ruth
Character Age: 40-70
Voice Type: Mezzo
How big the role is: Lead
Description: Ruth is the half-deaf nursemaid of Frederic. She joined the pirates after mistakenly apprenticing Frederic.

Character Name: Edith
Character Age: 15-25
Voice Type: Soprano
How big the role is: Supporting
Description: The leader of Major-General Stanley's daughters

Character Name: Isabel
Character Age: 15-25
Voice Type: n/a
How big the role is: Cameo
Description: Ward of Major-General Stanley

Character Name: Kate
Character Age: 15-25
Voice Type: Mezzo
How big the role is: Cameo
Description: Ward of Major-General Stanley


Character Name: Frederic
Character Age: 21
Voice Type: Tenor
How big the role is: Lead
Description: Frederic is the handsome, young man who had been mistakenly apprenticed to a band of pirates until his twenty-first birthday. He values duty as the supreme human trait. He is extremely naive and has never seen a woman besides his nursemaid, Ruth.

Character Name: Major-General Stanley
Character Age: 40-65
Voice Type: Baritone
How big the role is: Supporting
Description: A wealthy widower raising his daughters alone.

Character Name: Samuel
Character Age: 21-40
Voice Type: Baritone
How big the role is: Supporting
Description: The confident and fearless lieutenant to the Pirate King.

Character Name: Sergeant of Police
Character Age: 25-50
Voice Type: Baritone
How big the role is: Supporting
Description: The Sergeant is the bumbling leader of the police who is sent out to fight the pirates. He has a strong sense of duty, yet is a coward in the face of real danger.

Character Name: The Pirate King
Character Age: 30-60
Voice Type: Baritone
How big the role is: Supporting
Description: The Pirate King is the strong leader of the pirates. He is fully willing to rape and pillage, yet refuses to commit evil acts against orphans.
