Pirate Bumper?

In the song, "Pour oh Pour" what does "Pirate Bumper" mean?

"And to make us more than merry, let the pirate bumper pass"

It be too late to alter course, mateys. And these be the last friendly words ye'll hear!


The word "bumper" has a variety of meanings, one of which is a reference to a full glass--this could be speaking of another round of the "pirate sherry" ?



Thank you so much! Our school is performing "Pirates of Penzance" and I just wanted to get a clear shot about what we were actually singing about! Thanks a million!

It be too late to alter course, mateys. And these be the last friendly words ye'll hear!


What school?


Wasatch Jr. High


It be too late to alter course, mateys. And these be the last friendly words ye'll hear!
