One with Estelle Parsons

I just finished watching and taping "PIRATES..." off of HBO. It turned out well. I am so glad since the only professional copy of this version is available at this moment from a source in Canada, only one tape available, for $$$$$ 92 DOLLARS !!!!!. BUT...I was sure that I had seen a version of the same thing with Estelle Parsons in the role of Ruth. Couldn't find it anywhere on this net.address. Googled Parsons. Found a Broadway version of a Database, and lo and behold, there she was, in the Broadway version of 1982, ESTELLE PARSONS. She was in the original opening night with all the other same stars as this version. She performed from Jan 8, 1981 - Nov 28, 1982. Did I dream I saw this live play??? Did I have an out of body experience and get to see it on the stage with her??? I KNOW I never got to New York and Broadway to see it in person. I could swear that I saw it on the television sometime, with Estelle Parsons in the role of Ruth. It is not listed on if there was a showing of it. So...I am stumped. Did anyone else watch a TV production with all the same people except with Parsons long, long ago? Don't get me wrong I loved Angela Landsbury in this showing. She is great. But I love Estelle Parsons too, and I KNOW I saw her in it. At least . . . I THINK I saw this version. {Twilight Zone music comes up - doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, DAH DAH} Anyone else see it, please put up a note, or send me a message.


Parsons played Ruth in the original Broadway revival but for this filming she was replaced by Lansbury.


Maybe your thinking of Patricia Routledge in the 1980 recording made for TV with everyone else from the boadway cast??????


Actually, Patricia Routledge took over the role of "Ruth" from Estelle Parsons in Joseph Papp's production outdoors in NYC's Central Park, which due to its accolades and stellar cast, transfered to the Delacorte Theater on Broadway... this production was taped for posterity, but never shown on TV- it IS available on DVD from the BROADWAY ARCHIVES- here's the link:

Unfortunately, Estelle's performance was never filmed, so you must have seen her live! She was marvelous in the role, and she was succeeded by several great actresses in the role...Angela Lansbury was brought in for the motion picture version and never played the roe on stage.

Here's some info on Patricia Routledge-
Patricia Routledge is an acclaimed British actor, possibly best known for "Keeping Up Appearances" where she appears as the grating Hyacinth Bucket.
Patricia, who studied at Liverpool University, the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and London's Guildhall School of Music, made her professional debut at the Liverpool Playhouse in 1952. Her career has encompassed a huge variety of roles - from Alan Bennett's "Talking Heads" monologues and Victoria Wood As Seen On TV, to Shakespeare, Sheridan and musicals such as "Carousel." She can also be seen as the subject of the BBC series, "Funny Women."
Other highlights have included: a Tony Award in 1967 for her performance on Broadway in "Darling Of The Day"; a triumph in the title role of Offenbach's opera "The Duchess of Gerolstein" (1978); an acclaimed Queen Margaret in the Royal Shakespeare Company's "Richard III" (1984); an Olivier Award for her 'Old Lady' in "Candide" (1988).
In 1991, she received a British Comedy Award for Best Comedy Actress for "Keeing Up Appearances." In 1992, she was voted BBC Television Personality of the Year, and a year later was awarded the OBE. In the 60th anniversary awards for the BBC, she was also voted by viewers as the nation's favourite actress.

When Papp's staging was recreated in Los Angeles, the leads were played by Barry Bostwick(for Klein), Andy Gibb(for Rex Smith), Pam Dawber(of "Mork And Mindy" for Rondstadt) and JoAnne Worley as "Ruth"(from TV's "Laugh In")


"Actually, Patricia Routledge took over the role of "Ruth" from Estelle Parsons in Joseph Papp's production outdoors in NYC's Central Park, which due to its accolades and stellar cast, transfered to the Delacorte Theater on Broadway."

This is not exactly accurate. This production opened at the outdoor Delacorte Theater in Central Park in the summer of 1980, and Patricia Routledge was its original Ruth. The show then transferred to the indoor Uris Theater (now named the Gershwin Theater) on Broadway, with Estelle Parsons replacing Routledge. (Kaye Ballard later succeeded Parsons, and the show also later transferred to another Broadway house, the Minskoff.)

There is a scene in which a turkey is chased around a room. Not everyone will care for this.


I saw the national tour in Boston with Jim Belushi as the Pirate King and the guy from Herman and the hermits as frederich. Don't remember the rest of the cast.


My brain hurts to think back so far (and the old gray matter was a bit chemically clouded back in those days anyway), but I remember seeing Linda Ronstadt and cast on Saturday Night Live promoting the production. Their appearance was my introduction to this classic. Could you be having a flashback to that? ;)


I remember that SNL episode. It was the Christmas show of that year, and the cast of Pirates and SNL sang Christmas carols. I don't remember if they performed anything from Pirates, though.

Edit: I just looked it up, and it was the 1980 Christmas show with David Carradine as the host.

Happy New Year!


I saw the "Saturday Night Live" show when the performed one of the songs. I don't know which one it was, but Tony Azito's arms going around in impossible ways were one of the things that piqued my interest in the movie in the first place. I looked for it for years before I found it on cable and DVRd it. Of course, once I watched it I became a fan of the whole thing. I have the broadway show with Patricia Routlege on DVD and the soundtrack with Estelle Parsons on CD--and that is my favorite performance of Ruth. I wish that I had seen it, rather than just hearing it.
