DVD Release

Does anybody have any information on whether or not they will be releasing Pirates on DVD. Jimbo Parsley


According to Amazon it's due out sometime in the future. I just glanced at their website listing for this title, but the date escapes me. Sorry. I hope this helps.



The Broadway show version is already available in the states but the film version is due to be released in the UK in May here is the info

Pirates Of Penzance, The (DVD)

Director N/A
Starring: Kevin Kline, Angela Landsbury, Linda Ronstadh

TECHNICAL DETAILS Main Language:English/Dutch


Availability: This product will be released on 24/05/2004

I found it by searching the various dvd sellers on the internet for Penzance

Hope that helps



The DVD for the movie of Pirates of Penzance has had different release dates, but as of now, there are no plans in the near future to put the 1983 Pirates of Penzance on DVD. Which is a shame, because I have already used up 2 copies of my videos. I love watching the play of Pirates both by amateur meldramas and the professional musicals. Linda Ronstadt, Tony Azito, Rex Smith, Patricia Routledge, (she played Ruth in the broadway version, but she is better known as Hyacinth in the hilarious British comedy Keeping Up Appearances) Angela Landsbury, Kevin Kline and George Rose are the absolute best people that anyone could have gotten for those roles. I grew up watching this movie and as such this operetta will always be one of the funniest and favorite movie for me!


If you want to see a release of Pirates of Penzance then you can help by signing this petition:


The more people that sign it the more likely it is that it will be noticed and hopefully cause Universal and UIP to release it! Thanks for you're support.


Thanks for the link to the petition, why not create a thread with that as the subject? more likely to be seen perhaps? I've signed it and send the link to my fellow Pirates..

The other place to register our dispeasure is Amazon (I seem to recall); if you click 'inform me when available' for anything that doesn't exist yet, it gives them an idea of what demand is like...

"Some people say this song is irrelevant. But it's not irrelevant, it's a hippopotamus."


One can also vote for it by asking to be notified of it's release by Amazon.com. When a seller petitions it seems to work a bit quicker.


I wish the petition hadn't included stuff about extras. Those cost money to produce and studio are loath to spend money on low velocity catalog titles. It's better to just get them to release the title.



My video of this particular version of the 'Pirates' was lost in a house move a few years ago. We miss our 'several times a year' viewing of this wonderful, and to me the most entertaining, performance. In this electronics age it is surely time for a DVD to be issued. Sooner rather than Later.


You can e-mail Universal from their website.


They have no plans to release it at this point in time, but if enough people contact them, who knows?


If Universal has no plans to distribute it, then would it be so horrible for someone to rip the movie into AVI form and distribute it on the internet? Someone with a TV/PC AV cord could record the tape onto PC and compress it to an AVI format for distribution. VHS tapes are so hard to come by, and VCRs are becoming fossils. If Universal doesn't distribute this film in DVD form, it might become extinct!

Pirates are all the rage nowadays, It's suprising that this movie wasn't at least given a basic DVD release, as a "classic" at a small fee. I see plenty of old, crappy movies out there selling for rock bottom prices in DVD form, movies that were in all respects horrible and not even worthy of a $5 price-tag, and yet this movie, a really fun and entertaining movie that many people will never forget receives no DVD release. It doesn't need bells & whistles, it just need to be available so that it doesn't vanish from existence as technology advances.


If Universal has no plans to distribute it, then would it be so horrible for someone to rip the movie into AVI form and distribute it on the internet? Someone with a TV/PC AV cord could record the tape onto PC and compress it to an AVI format for distribution. VHS tapes are so hard to come by, and VCRs are becoming fossils. If Universal doesn't distribute this film in DVD form, it might become extinct!

The point is not whether or not it would be "horrible," but it would be in flagrant violation of US copyright laws. I'd hate to be the one Universal would come after, because there wouldn't be a legal leg to stand on.


I work for Universal Studios and we are in the curently process of remastering this feature for DVD release. Look for it in a few months.


I work for Universal Studios and we are in the curently process of remastering this feature for DVD release. Look for it in a few months.

O HAPPY DAY!!!! *doin' the breakdown happy dance here* Having just watched my slowly disintegrating VHS copy (taped off the television years ago) for the umpteenth time, I eagerly await the release!

AND - the previous posting goes to show that Universal (and/or its people) are not unaware of the IMDb - and the comments and suggestions made herein.


Any update on when Pirates is going to be released on DVD?

Come on Universal we are all waiting!!!!


And what about it being released in the UK? Gilbert and Sullivan were British after all. Surely we should be entitled to see this too?


This is great news, and long overdue! I hope "remastering" means that we'll get the original aspect ratio. I grew up with the video of this, complete with some terrible pan-n-scans (like the "really doesn't matter" number), and a couple of REALLY awkward "long-torso-vision" shots (like the "cat-like tread" number at the end). It'd be so great to finally see this undistorted.


amen! Has anyone seen any "official" word on the progress of this project????


Go to this page on Amazon to a) receive notice of when it will come out and b) register your desire for it, which Amazon will pass on to the studio.



I've had the horrible realization that some jerk of an executive probably came up with the "clever" idea to release this on Fredrick's birthday - the 29th of February. And we won't have one of those for another YEAR!

OK, Mr. Idiot Executive, we're on to your plan, your "clever" surprise is spoiled, so there is no point in waiting any more. Release the DVD already!


How's this going? Any word on a release date? Thanks :)


That really sucks that they don't plan on releasing anytime soon, I really don't want to buy another copy on VHS, but the copy I have is from about 20 years ago.


My suggestion for those of you who HAVE to have this film on DVD is go to the 'ole reliable eBay... Like many movies that haven't "officially" been released, there are several vendors who've taken the "illegal" option of transferring the movie from VHS to DVD. Of course, you have to deal with the fact that the tape of the film was released in "pan & scan", but the bootleggers usually do a good job of installing "chapters" and nice cover art-work... I checked today (as the movie is showing on Cable at this very minute), and there's a couple of dealers offering a DVD version of this great film! For the small price of what you're gonna pay, it's worth at least having a half-way decent DVD reproduction until the "real" thing is released.



Captain Jack is back ... and HE IS MINE! *o bugger*


I would love to see this on DVD! I used to see this on TV all the time. I had the VHS but lost it in a fire. Seems like it'd be a good time to release it with the 'Pirates of the Carribean' popularity. Granted this is a musical/opera. But it's still "pirates".

"I am not a number. I am a free man!"
B Cng U!


I am looking forward to it's dvd release. I saw it on cable back in 1984 and was impressed. I had the joy of seeing widescreen on Bravo many years ago and I look for the widescreen release. Yes it would be nice to have extras like the trailers and interviews with the stars, but that is wishful thinking.



I hope it is out by Talk Like A Pirate Day in the UK September 19th. I tried to buy this DVD this past weekend as our VHS version is getting old. I'm on the count down....


It seems september 19th has come and gone and no sign of this DVD, does anyone else have any news?


Not sure but I hope it's soon - getting tired of waiting... Bout to go "pirate" a copy myself if the publisher doesn't get a move on...


Still waiting for the dvd release..it plays on movie central and a few other channels...don't know hwy it is not avalable on dvd?


They really need to get out the DVD for this. All these lousy movies on DVD, and this classic, with such a remarkable cast, doesn't make the cut? Ridiculous.


Here here!! What is their problem with getting this out on DVD?! If they wait too long this film may fall into obscurity--which would be a damn shame. I was pretty much raised watching this film & can sing the whole thing.

What do I have left? A taped copy on Beta. BETA!! Do you realize how hard it is to watch my Beta films anymore? ;-;

Srlsly; they need to get this out on DVD. I will cry if they don't.


I have been searching for a DVD version of this movie for the past 7 years! I only have the second half of the movie on VHS which I have now watched so many times it cuts out certain parts of dialogue. I know I could go buy it on VHS but I don't have a VCR plus they only have full-screen available on VHS which leaves out the most amazing part at the end when Mabel shoves her bouget into Fredericks face. Anyway the studio should release it soon but I've pretty much stopped holding my breath. I signed the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?pop1983&51 as well as the one on Amazon, please continue to do sign those, I'm sure you can get friends and family to sign them as well. Oh, and I could definately see the studio releasing it on Feb. 29 in which case we only have to wait until next year which really isn't so bad after all of time we've waited so far.


I wanna see this again. It drives me crazy that's it's not availilbe. If someone has a vhs copy couldn't they convert it to a video file on there computer, and share it with the world? But the studio should do a restored version with highquality picture and revamped surround sound. I would buy this in a heartbeat.


HBOFamily was showing it recently. Keep looking at tv schedules, it's on every once in a while. But I wish so badly they'd release the DVD.




I've got a commercial copy of the VHS transfer, but it's very badly edited -- it's not even pan&scan, just cropped to the centre of what was shot in widescreen. Bleccchhhh !!

C'mon folks, where's the DVD ??!!!



The version on Amazon.co.uk is the Central Park stage version, although it seperately has the stage version listed too...

Anyone know where I can get a DVD of the MOVIE version, delivered to the UK?


This is currently being shown on Sky Movies (Comedy) in the UK (September 2007), thus, a copy can be recorded onto DVD or Video until the official release DVD.


I saw that this movie has had a lot of play on ... Stars/Encore (Pay Channels) I hope that means they are going to release it soon, any one have any news?
