name that tune?

If anyone knows the name or artist of that song playing during the first dance sequence at the disco, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks.


If you remember, he meets young Pauline and her boyfriend on the beach and he tells them that he bought an album with the song that they played at the disco. They go and listen to the record. The song that plays is the second song and not the first one that you were looking for. However, perhaps both songs are by the same group CHANTS DES ÎLES whose record he bought. I don't know.

Here is a list of songs I got off a website.

I'm not sure which song is which though. Hope this might help. Here is the list of songs by "Chants des Iles":

Ajouter des photos
Ajouter une chanson
Au revoir chers amis
Ile de Tahiti
L'amour c'est fatigant
La pêche à Témala
Le bateau des îles
Le Caillou
Le ver de bancoule
Mon caillou fleuri
Nuits de Tahiti
P'tite fleur fânée
Partout à Témala
Petite île sacrée
Toi mon idole
Vive la vahiné


