Text at beginning

On the Warner Home Video US VHS Release, the opening text was left in italian, and was not translated. I copied it down and entered it into google translate, for those that were curious:

Molte Leggende Nacquero Ai Tempi Delle Guerre Tra Cristiani E Saraceni. I Cantastorie Raccontavano Le Gesta Di Cavalieri Solitari E Di Feroci Guerrieri, Il Fragore Delle Spade E Delle Loro Armature... Cantavano Anche La Bellezza E Gli Amori Delle Principesse. Era Un Tempo Di Maghi E Profezie...

and the translated version:

Many legends were born In The Time Of War Between Christians and Saracens. The Storyteller They told The Deeds Of Solitary Knights And Fierce warriors, the roar of the Swords And Armor Of Their ... Even sang Beauty And The Love Of Princesses. It Was A Time Of Magicians And Prophecies ...


Very good. the Region 2 vhs tapes of this movie give the text at the beginning of the movie in English. Your pretty close.
