Your favourite scene?

Yes, the movie is a mess, but some scenes work great on their own.

My favorite is the Amazonian Meg Foster hunting CIA guys with a crossbow. :)
I see that the producers thought the same thing, since they used the image from this scene for the film's cool poster.

Do you have a favorite one?


When Tanner first goes out to greet his guests --he sees Bernie--they meet,Craig T. Nelson is an intimidating sort-- and there's this palpable tension----but they hug as old buddies, yet the tension's still there--but the interesting part comes right after--Tanner's son Chris says 'Hi Uncle Bernie' and offers him a ride--Bernie says ok, and he gets on Chris's mechanized cart and says..'forward!'---it's a 'fun' part of Bernie that was unexpected.
Another good part: The dinner scene after Joe had kicked Tanner's dog earlier--
Meg Foster is dynmaic. So yeah--just watching Meg Foster can be enough.


the end credits.


I love the scene where Fassett pretends to be a weatherman on the TV.

"I have an appointment with eternity and I don't want to be late"


For this Peckinpah devotee the favorite sequence has always been John Tanner and Bernie Osterman making their way into the swimming pool!

Most great films deserve a more appreciative audience than they get.
