Why smash the egg?

So Orlov smashed the real egg, thinking it was the fake one, right? But didn't Khan already have the fake one in his possession? I thought they needed the fake one to put back in the depository?


Yeah I wondered the same! I guessed it was somehow yet another fake one then? Didn't really see a second switch going on though.. or did bond take with him a second fake egg direcly after he left M's office?



Orlov embezzles real egg and puts it to auction.

009 steals Indian copy from circus in Berlin and gives it to British Embassy.

Orlov has to get real egg back and commissions Kamal to buy it from the auction.

Bond takes copy to auction and swaps it for real egg. Kamal now has copy and Bond has real. Kamal takes copy to Delhi. Presumably he recognizes the copy, since he's the one who made it to begin with.

Bond goes to Delhi and waves real egg in Kamal's face. Violence/chase ensues.

Bond puts tracker in real egg and Magda steals it and gives to Kamal who now has both eggs.

Orlov comes to Delhi. Orlov, Bond, Kamal now all in the same house.

Kamal shows Orlov the collection of duplicated jewelry, including the *real* egg. Orlov thinks the egg is fake and smashes it since it's no longer needed. Kamal winces horribly as the real egg is smashed, and the tracker is revealed in the wreckage. But Kamal doesn't let on to Orlov about either the fake or the tracker.

The other duplicate jewelry and presumably the fake egg go home with Orlov to be placed in the Hermitage.



The only thing I never got was why didn't Kamal tell Orlov "don't smash it that's the real one, we can still auction it and get our money back?" It's not like Kamal had anything to hide, Orlov wasn't getting anything out of the Jewerly, he was just helping Kamal/Octopussy smuggle jewerly in exchange for Kamal smuggling a Bomb onto the airforce base using Octopussy's circus (which Octopussy had no knowledge of).


Fleming stayed in his novels there were three, and only three, agents who were licensed to kill: 003, 005 and 007. Period. End of story; so you all here are trying to make sense out of a script written by some party too lazy to have mastered the source material? By the way, Octopussy was a Bond short story, not a novel. Perhaps the screenwright only read those few pages and thought he had the Bond canon clocked.

If he thought anything at all, other than Mmm . . . me make money.


It is a bit confusing, but yes after it watching it last night and seeing this response, this user described it perfectly.


How does James Bond swap the real egg w/the fake egg @the auction SO DISCRETELY?
