Rather uneven tale

I know it was an early '80s film, but still! This film was all over the place, and dragged & dragged.
I kept waiting for it to 'get going', and then it ended. Rather un-climactically too.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I actually loved and enjoyed the movie for what it was; not an Oscar contender, but a rare treat for the female gaze that was also funny and even touching in spots.

I have to say, though, that I agree with you about the ending:

possible spoiler alert

A certain character's life seems to be in danger towards the end, and we never find out what happens to them; everyone else goes on their merry way toward what seems to be a happy ending. WTF?

Feminism is the "radical belief" that women are people, and should be paid and treated equally.


It is indeed a bit disappointing. This could have been a lurid tale about a love triangle, but instead it feels like a tried-and-true soap opera, right on down to the very predictable ending. The cast and music are enjoyable, but the script is plodding. 6/10 stars from me.
